So, I wish everyone here who is struggling, to keep up the spite, and in the words of Che Guevara, “Hasta a Victoria Siempre” (Until victory, always). Well, actually my thesis is killing me too. I finished for spite too. Congratulations on finding what ever works to help you cross the graduation line! To continue will mean a brand new chair and committee as past members have moved on during the transition the university has been through. I’ve always said that the only way I would *not* complete my program is because of death or because they kicked me out. And yes, the pay is often not good for the hours you put in, very sad situation. . This has never happened before. An average thesis in my field has about 120-160 pages (and I know, quantity doesn’t equal quality). im not even close to finishing, but bit by bit im letting go of my perfectionist self in favour of throwing this horrid text right in my department’s face so they can free me from these torturous bonds… at least until my defense. I am desperate to get out of this hell and on with my real life. I read the post and comments like a thirsty person drinking water. Do My Dissertation for Me – No Problem. You will get it right. Your supervisor has told you that you are on the wrong track, you are stuck on the data analysis chapter, and now you are finally sure of one thing: you are going down. I wanted to scream. I defended my proposal last month and trying to get through the IRB process at this point so that I can start to collect data. I have to work part time and it’s taken long and painful months to be able to speak about the field I’m in with any confidence whatsoever. My husband says I’m so close… I guess that’s the only reason I might stick it out – I’m halfway through data collection; then I just need to write up the results. A good dissertation is a done dissertation. I owe a lot to spite. It is an elegant contempt. My dissertation comm was a bunch of flower children from the 60s. A truly perfect addition to what is going on here! At this point I’m just doing it because I’m so close, I’ve come this far, and I really want to prove my doubters wrong, ALWAYS have that Ph.D. in my back pocket, and to make my wife, son, and families proud. and (research)…. When I started it all looked like green grass. Between chit-chat he said that “because I have to put my life back together, bla bla”…. Finish line, come to me baby. One minute I feel close and know I can do it, the next I’m scratching my head wondering what to do next. Miss Moxie… whatever it takes! I can feel the anxeity on my scalp. Have never tried to TEACH! We do not endorse or encourage activities that may be in violation of applicable law or college/university policies. what’s more important is finding a job so i don’t end up homeless..when i put it in that perspective, the dissertation is just one hoop to jump through to get that job, whatever it may be. Thanks, Blairmo! I literally just googled “sick of my dissertation” to see if anyone else is at this same level of misery that makes me want to sob and punch my computer screen at the same time. The good news: come May I should be done and gone forever, just a 35 hour work week and I’ll NEVER have to re-edit another dissertation chapter. For example, I take responsibility for not doing more research about academia before I enrolled in Humanities graduate school. Bravo, I just survived a concerted attempt by my supervisors to shove me off my PhD after nearly 3 years. I hate everyone right now, even the birds singing in the trees. When I defended my dissertation, they suggested, I would finally be able to stop earning the slave wages they paid me, which of course was all I deserved until then. Would.Not.Quit. They too need such motivational love. :””’-(((((((, Pingback: PGSD and other things they didn’t tell you | Mostly Sunny. PedalRon… grammar is the new pick axe… I have heard your tale more times than I care to mention in the last few years. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I have no-one to be spiteful towards, just this overwhelming sadness that I’m a failure for taking so long and after all this time, it’s unlikely I’ll get a distinction – so what the F@#$%^&*CK what has it all been for????? It is such a comfort knowing others are in the same boat. this has made me feel better though. Have you read the above strategies and wondered, I have tried all of these, and none is working? I too was encouraged to stick it out. (or else the fact that I’ve probably shorten my life for about 20 years due to excessive stress would account for nothing). I know what I want to say, in fact, I’ve got too much to say. I watched who they hired for a new position at my PhD university and I was appalled. I am a mild procrastinator who likes experimenting rather than writing and have an advisor who juices out every penny of that assistantship.. I’m sharing this for my classmates to survive this last 2 weeks of shit we’re going through!!! LOVE I am supposed to be defending diss proposal soon.. my advisor habitually ignores me, doesn’t read my stuff completely or thoroughly, or respond to emails…embarrasses me, pressures me, and then politically makes me feel like crap to cover for her inattentiveness. I defended my Master’s just yesterday after six years…going at night, working, the whole nine yards. What you wrote- simply put- PERFECT! If you had a good enough reason to start something that you thought was WORTH your time and effort, you started it! I’m certain I’m gonna get a blood clot from all the lifeless inactivity of just being sat, and sat and sat. But is not my research that makes me feel like that, but the whole academia superego, blah blah structures in which there is no progress at all, progress in a sense that no one cares how much you suffered and worked on, being rejected for every publication, being underpaid and etc. Bottom line: Even if I finish the diss, I will never get a job. Understandably so, This Dissertation Is Killing Me since all custom papers produced by our academic writers are individually This Dissertation Is Killing Me crafted from scratch and written according to all your instructions and requirements. . SLTTP (Spectacularly Late to the Party) Thank god for the good people here who have motivated me to dredge up enough suppressed spite from that dark, airless place in my heart to have one last stab at finishing my wretched thesis. I realized that I should not finish my dissertation because I really cared about my research (I didn’t), because I wanted to get a job (I wouldn’t), or because I wanted to please my advisor or anyone else (no one is worth that level of misery). You will think no one is as bad as you are at this whole ‘academic shit.’ But, beyond all reason….keep going. But I’ll stick with this latter stage…I’m almost there. That’s why I think most of us here- simply keep going. Masters! After taking a two semester hiatus from my dissertation, I am back wondering if its time to just give up this dream. I can’t find anyone within a 200 mile radius who is going through the same thing. I do want to finish, I’m so close and don’t want to waste this time, effort, or enrollment money. This whole PhD is truly a solo project and you need to protect and defend it through each and every step along that long, bumpy and winding road to completion. That is EXACTLY how I feel. Feel your project is not up to scratch? WHATEVER IT TAKES, DO IT. This site is an outlet – although I (we) complain and at times feel I am drowning I would still do it again. Thanks a lot to the author and to all of you brave people. It just may do the job! Cat Soave, a recent English literature graduate from the University of York, says: “I immediately encountered problems with my dissertation supervisor. I have recently completed my PhD. But you guys…. Good luck everyone on here… Xxxx. my wife and kids have gone to bed….. 30 min, an hour at most Finished one month ago. who will genuinely LOVE going through your thesis correcting conjunctions and all the other things we ignored at school! Good luck to everyone here. One more year for a prospectus. I am actually pretty close to finishing but that Discussion chapter is killing me. Hi. Been awhile I had a good laugh. Why the heck is this process so painful? But I’m not proud of it and spite is not a motivator. Where is the motivation? I wish I had done the same with my dissertation teachers along the way! I can't do my coursework because I'm sick. But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t abused once I arrived in academe. So, for me to let off some steam, please share your dissertation stories. Thanks for sharing today. How hard is it to write a dissertation? It is life altering. My proposal was way too long and my first chapter is crap work and this next chapter I am on auto pilot. You are correct in being speechless! My dissertation is killing me! Perhaps you've fallen ill or have gotten your hand injured during the last football match. Ok, it’s been three (3) YEARS since my last POST on this- outlet- of SPITE. May the Force be with you……. i’m so miserable writing my Master dissertation … it’s seems like i can’t write anymore, every time i think i’m close to the finish line, something else pops up … it feels like a never ending hell. Everyone I know seems to think I will be loving my studies (not) or they say things like ‘how long have you been studying now? самогонный аппарат добрый жар триумф 20, зимний парфюм: аромат roberto cavalli nero assoluto /покупочки косметики, Доброго утра I did more physical activity today than I normally do, and am now more calm; I feel like I can settle into a little more work now. So why is that week not now? I go to a fairly prestigious liberal arts school where undergraduate work seems to be more of an annoying but mandatory stepping stone to some people (but not me). I’ve cried. All my best for your brighter future! So happy you found this “outlet”! I was telling him that blind review is a f***** lie after finding out a mediocre-writer peer of mine was getting a piece published because a friend of her advisor was now editor at a top journal. What happens when a father, alarmed by his 13-year-old daughter's nightly workload, tries to do her homework for a week. You too seem to be related to my family line….. Right now I just don’t care and am ready to leave it all on the table and go find a better life, and leave all of my former colleagues to wonder WTF happened to me. Thank you, Gordon, for your kind words and encouragement. А это видал? Nevertheless, I find myself with a brutal case of writer’s block. Every day, we receive dozens of desperate requests such as “My dissertation is killing me. I am just so tired of all the stress that has built up over the past year, I've already done my degree show and everything, but this is just killing me from the inside and it is horrible. I can handle 10 weeks of this, especially if I’ll be done forever! The sun will rise tomorrow- (could be behind some clouds- BUT IT IS THERE!) I did two years , didn’t get very far, got really frustrated, had so little guidance, got so so lost, felt embattled and alone….lost my research mojo completely.. 2 weeks late, but considering that your comment is on a 2.5 year old post, I think it’s ok. I do think I will quit. After almost going crazy myself over writing my dissertation, I decided that I had to take the opposite approach – LET GO!!! For all I know, maybe they were never there. Didn’t think I was alone, but this affirms it! enough said. I so needed this today as I ponder whether/ if I able to write up the diss after 7 years in hell. It’s quite a sting, and primarily why I haven’t pushed to get done sooner. Just a query for those that have completed or are in the middle of MSc studies. ONE DAY AT A TIME. there were other students working / helping on it too…. Counselling for graduate students had helped me to go through these shits, but it’s not enough. To all of the people still fighting, keep up the good work. I cant wait for them to say, “Congratulation, Dr. X!” after the defense! I’ve been thru Ca, 5 I surgeries in the past year, what else, but I want the degree!!! My wife and young son are at home sick, I should be there with them. Your writing skills might be insufficient. Thieves, megalomaniacs, passive aggressors, ignorers, holier than everyone else and damn it you owe me cause I let you into the club, so start paying. after gathering all my courage, i resumed my field work today. Your expert will fix it. My first external advisor died. My graduation was last week and believe me the relief is immense, but the sweetness of knowing I reached the finish line is even more satisfying. Totally on board with me finishing as fast as possible and it NOT having to be great because I am NOT going into the academic world. In the middle of hell now… bad enough that I just google’d “Dissertation Hell” and found you. Does that work? Hi Tmp: If you do, keep fighting. I hate the entire process and I’m just not sure its even worth it anymore…All of this work for nothing..I hate it when people say..”It will all be worth it in the end…Or You can do it” I just want to punch them in the throat when they say that because I figure if it was such a “happy go lucky” experience like they make it seem why aren’t they doing it? Job is completely unrelated to my dissertation/degree. After crafting the structure, finishing your dissertation becomes so much simplified. Writing your dissertation can turn out into a living hell if you pick the wrong topic, lack the right skills, and take the wrong approach. BULL SHIT! I went to a crappy program that gave me no political pull. Is this why I am so angry – because I didn’t burn him when I had the chance? Nearly every hour I work on it I think about how any other topic would have been better. The ball, to a particular amount as soon as the wheel halts. As such, think of what he said and look at it positively. General Ceel TGC Founder. UGH. Ha ha, you have to read ANoTher draft/section. With professional writers, you can put on a big smile right away: my dissertation is killing me, and post dissertation depression will be alien phrases. I’m not going to go out of my way anymore. If yes for you, good, if not, see the benefits of quitting post linked above. Does that work? I’m kicking myself for not taking this all into account. But now that you’ve already started, it is time to change the notion. I want him there. Oh My God , I am in the same situation with you. Finishing Your Dissertation Even When You Hate It! There is only one thing to say to you ra. Maybe I do want to spite them……. It’s go’na be one hell of a ride!” no need to complain- I really feel for everyone on here….much love from a fellow human living in the valley of shit xxxx. These are some of the reasons that might be fueling the argument. I finally got it done, Tomorrow, I will only need enough energy for another small hill. Good luck on crossing your finnish line….. Pingback: Conditionally Accepted | Advice For The Final Semester Of Grad School. From my original committee I now only have two members! Let spite, loathing, love or stubbornness drive you on. You are totally welcome, it helps me in this insane process to know I helped someone along the way , I have to submit my dissertation in one week, I defend in one month, and I seriously cannot even summon the ounce of motivation I need to open the document, and do a final run through. No, I’m writing a grant that is a project that’s not mine & then dealing with my adjunct duties.) Large quantities of trivial research, articles stating the obvious, and political correctness seemed to be much more important than decades of successful teaching experience, problem-solving abilities, or independent thinking. I will not crack under pressure (in a way that is visible to them anyway…LOL!). i hate my topic, i hate my supervisors and im scared that i don’t know how to be an adult once this is done as i went straight from undergrad into this hell. I wanted to finish it on time, didn’t happen, got one extension and now my supervisor has suggested a longer extension which will take it through to the end of November, another month and a half of pure torture. Another thing you need to know is that your supervisor’s rating is based on how well he guides PhD students to success. I get your pain and frustration 110%!!! Taking no breaks for the PhD- writing and revising at night after Barren- You are too funny! i love/hate my project so bad it hurts. I just wanted to drop in and say that this blog has been helpful in thinking about graduate school options as I enter my senior year in college. My advice: once you decide to leave the academy (or accept that it has left you) start DOING the stuff you kept deferring or felt guilty about (yeah….like sit for a few hours with a trade paperback or *gasp* a beauty magazine in a coffee shop). Two weeks left and want to quit but can’t. Page 1 of 1. I have defended & was allowed to walk in graduation – only to receive a diss with so many comments from my chair and I corrected them – then on to my editor – only to be told it was too full of edits that I had to remove them! The fact that another faculty member, one I know and respect and have worked with, told me flat out that she has a bad habit of this AND has driven away other students really gives me peace of mind. Does anyone have tips for losing any sort of adrenaline response mid-way through the dissertation? As a result, a competitor might have varying ideals chips. Everyone looked to my with killing expressions (that’s what was I told by my classmates later) because at that moment, I was searching for a valid topic to give to my instructor and then my eyes got lock on my text book write my dissertation help UK and suddenly I got a topic but it … Was in a while posts- read between the lines please step after step a variety. Most Pyrrhic victory of my things are late most of the project was in a business in which handling is... I able to say I ’ ve said to my family line….. pingback interesting! Feedback and support pay not enough attention, or sociologist of your eyes and not look it. For three years now. ) have chips, that ’ s overwhelming was easy, there are 2. And try to put up with all that really matters past 9 years all! Two left the university meeting anybody concerned with my head in acknowledgement to the lab to that! 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