Yeah I'm thinking I either just need to talk to my husband about how important it can be for me to wake up early and be productive. You should use this as a time to experiment and create different coping mechanisms. I'm wondering if a lot of people use this and if they find it effective, and how to go about making this a habit. Or I could use my mornings for us time and just doing cleaning and running errands so when I get off of work it can just be dedicated to drawing and getting my personal work goals done. As David Allen says, your mind is for having ideas, not keeping them. Try again tomorrow. I should make reading a more solid habit, but it might be good to read some books on productivity. So if anyone has any advice on how to stay productive and not letting myself get off course please let me know. Those are your options. Get out of bed, an easy task, turns into going out and making something great of my day. We all need energy and motivation to get through all the challenges we face, and this comes from a good work-life balance. Maybe I can do this on occasion to switch things up. Plan around your natural schedule with a bit of forgiveness. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I personally am more of a calendar/todo list type of person. Give yourself permission to comfort yourself with time and distractions when you’re suddenly hit with depression. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. My husband loves cuddling with me in the morning and I don't like to deny him a good cuddle (Okay so I like it too). They're great parents and I love them, but I did grow up with an idea of how I thought life was supposed to be like at 30 and I feel like I failed. If that is the case, no checklist, alarm, coach or productivity trick will really work long term. I don't want to waste my time or life doing this. The only other 2 options are to work at different times or draw after work. I don't want to let myself down, but I also don't want to let you guys down. In this article, I have shared some tips which are very useful to remain more productive all day. Also, I do the easy tasks first and focus on things that have a higher priority in terms of importance. Instead of drinking a ton(I do drink a bit) I just do nothing, I take my mind off my problems with something stupid and meaningless. Because how you spend your morning will directly impact how the rest of your day goes. And so on. I do that for at least an hour or so every time I work from home (usually one day a week) and it makes me feel a lot more energized. Write down the most menial of tasks. I'm sure there are other options, but those are what come to mind. You sound pretty educated on this topic. No pressure, try it today. My methods for organization have been pretty limited in the past and nothing really stuck. Yeah, I think finding others who want to do similar things to you. I'm working on a couple picture books and a mystery novel. It also helps to start on a very small scale. I don't have a career, financially I'm pretty poor, my marriage is rocky, I have no children and I desperately want one, I just don't feel like a successful adult at all and it does affect my happiness. My motivation couldn't be %100 percent every day. I've tried the calendar and no-calendar ways. Feel it in your gut? Most weren’t working around the clock. Imagine playing in a basketball game against … Many of us feel very guilty when we don’t fill every minute of the day with something “productive.” Working on work. Next Slide 10 Ways to Become the Most Productive … I plan on going to therapy, pills are a last resort for me. Try making a schedule of simple illustration exercises to do each day. I have a cheap apartment and I was fully prepared to work more hours but my husband told me that we make enough and I should use this as my chance to work towards my dreams of becoming an illustrator instead of taking a second job. Start with what YOU really want for dinner tonight, and make it happen. The last thing on earth I want to do is something physically taxing. But I had the same question when ruthless UPSC shackled my confidence and buried it in Mariana Trench. He argues that one’s most important resource is their own physical energy. It also helps to just go to a coffee shop or something similar to be around people. 1.7k Posted by u/safkan04 26 days ago. I mostly vague to-do lists on sticky notes on my workspace and would jot down important dates or meetings on my calendar. I just keep it really simple as a task list- I don't schedule tasks or times of day to do them, otherwise I totally rebel against the structure. What has finally worked for me is planning. If you clean a bit each day, you won't have to spend hours on the weekend doing a big cleanup. So you'd recommend giving the calendar method a go? I do work with blocks of time and it works well. Even on a very low key level. I watched the video on the Bullet Journal site, although it's a bit late at the moment so maybe I'm not fully understanding it. (I also do my personal work when I get off work too. Make sure you have enough sleep. If I go somewhere specifically to work it helps me to focus (and the coffee doesn't hurt either). I try to get 3-4 hours if I can. Cal Henderson, co-founder and CTO of Slack, worked 7 hours. At one point when I was trying to work at home, I felt like I lost all my social skills from lack of practice. And stop kicking yourself, punishing yourself when it doesn't work out. Coping mechanisms, like routines, can help you be motivated and stay motivated even when the last thing you wanna do is work. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Recognize how awesome it is that your schedule allows for you to sleep in, then choose a different time to get some work done that is more appropriate for your schedule. This method involves capturing every single thing you have to do, be it small or big, into a capturing tool. I've found that writing every task down puts me in the mood to check things off my list. But I'm hoping good therapy is just what I need. Low self esteem might have been caused by an environment (parents) who were either too caring (smothering, always helping out, always a little anxious if you could face the big bad world on your own), too strict (a know-it-all, overly critical, their way is the only way) or a combination of both (caring mom, strict dad). Some businesses have had to move operations entirely offsite, which means communicating, organizing projects, and discussing business in an entirely different way. The GTD method is great because it lets you empty your mind of everything you have to do and just rely on your tool. Emails are one thing, but without the ability to talk in person or see the person’s face, emails […] I also can't get to bed at a good hour so I end up sleeping in a bit later than I mean to and instead of getting 2-3 hours of work done before I leave for work I'm lucky if I get one hour done. I feel like when I'm sad, my brain really just can't function normally. The depressive feelings are likely a symptom of low self esteem, and that might be the core cause to all your problems. Having a set block of time for each makes sure I work on each part of my business and keeps any one part from overrunning my time. For others, the idea of an “extra” day to accomplish a home-based goal, whether crafting, cleaning, decorating or renovating is simply too good to let pass by. I don't know what to do about it. 4 hour days, dealing with depression and trying to work on my passion on the side - for me, it's writing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I find what I'm doing right now is just leaving too much time open for mindless activities, and I'll be sitting around in the evening wondering where my day went. Having a clear, simple, achievable goal and writing it down has completely changed my life. What do YOU think about stuff? Do plenty of self care, eat healthy, workout, and cuddle! I'm going to give those questions some real thought and I'm also going to start therapy soon. Though I never took a writing class, so I'm also just spending a lot of time learning how to write. I have the gift of having more free time than most people and I don't want to take it for granted. I swear! UPDATE: Im the user that vowed to delete Reddit and Instagram till finals are done EDIT: I have made the decision to delete my account for good and am in the process of removing my Reddit data. You need to drink it first thing in … Sometimes, we complete the … This is why writing posts on reddit about my progress every day helps with motivation and discipline. YOU CAN TRANSFORM YOURSELF WITH A … Again, babysteps. I have a ton of anxiety about going to the gym and I deal with depression. I do a little writing too. Once I know that, I just have to carefully make decisions by asking myself "Is this worth my time? Washing the dishes. That is like realizing you blew your diet at breakfast so then you continue to binge eat all day instead of eating even more lightly the rest of the day. Shopping. How do I become a more productive student? If you wake up in a rush, get to work in a rush, get to your meetings in a rush, race to the gym in a rush, and get home in a rush, you’ll be rushed. When I'm in a good mood I can stay pretty motivated and productive. I think you know you need to get up earlier. I'm just looking to numb my sadness or problems with time wasting activities. To fix this: takes a lot of time. I think it might really work for you! For new tasks, note them down and try to table them for a future day unless they must be addressed today (in which case adjust your schedule). So you want to work or draw, my hang up is working out. THIS IS THE POWERFUL HEROIC CYCLE. Also, plan that you’ll have really shitty days that come out of nowhere. Lemon water gives you steady, natural energy that lasts the length of the day by improving nutrient absorption in your stomach. I think my depression is mostly caused by exterior forces not chemical ones. Fold Laundry that's been sitting for a few days. Forget the hacks, focus on productivity fundamentals. I am a bot. In March, I asked the Peaceful Tribe what monthly challenge they wanted to take after February minimalism challenge and a lot of them voted to work on their productivity. I have two issues. Your company probably depends on conference calls these days, given the restrictions from the pandemic. Let yourself get past it and then let yourself get back on track. Nowadays, we have many commitments while we work. I'll try and check out a few and decide on what works for me. I totally agree with you that Google Calendar is clunky. But start with fixing those two problems: 1) structurally, start stepping out of your comfort zone, but take baby steps; 2) start reconnecting with your gut: who are you? I could waste a whole day by browsing the internet or doing anything but work because depression makes me feel unmotivated and I can't concentrate or muster the will power to do anything. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the productivity community, Tips and tricks for being more productive, Press J to jump to the feed. And the day after. Paying a bill. This will lead to: do you want to be a professional illustrator? If you want to ensure you are productive all day, you’ll first want to make sure you start the day off on the right foot. Stretch it out. Getting any work done is better than none at all, and when facing depression, getting any work done is a real achievement. The 30 Day Productivity Action Plan. Those should help you on their own at least 2%. Try to wake up and cuddle earlier. So I follow workout social media, you could follow painters and illustraters. After a long, hard day at work, the last thing many of us want to do is go home, buckle down, and go to work on something else. Set a focus timer, turn off your phone and dive in and get at least something done. And it can work for any number of productive hours that you choose yourself to be in. That's completely fine, you're not doing this for anyone but you. First studied and labeled by Joseph Campbell and ... 2. i.e. Sticking to something you’ve planned for yourself gives you confidence to keep going. I was in the same vicious cycle where you are. Make a list of everything you want or need to do. For some of us, that means a recuperating and revitalizing opportunity — a day without any goals beyond recharging batteries. If you don't use this method, what strategy do you use to organize your day and your week? I have to make my task list the night before or I am useless. I never use calendar tools like this so I'm unsure of where to begin, I've got a Google account but their calendar seems to me ugly and not that easy to use. A great way to track actual productive output time is to keep a to-do list where each task is between 5-60 minutes long and then track your time when you start the task and stop as soon as you finish the task. Whether it’s 5 minutes while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew, 30 minutes on your train ride home from work, or a few hours on Sunday afternoon, we all have free time that we could be using more productively. In addition to this, regular cleaning saves you time. I tried to fix things myself with self help books and it helps a little, but yeah it's not really working. It’s important to stretch your muscles first thing in the morning, especially if you sit at … I don't have an answer for that one. yep, when I am having a difficult day, the list is eat, shower, sleep, and just add things as I feel better (there is nothing like feeling accomplished because you actually ate 3 proper meals). A day off is a gift and in today’s hard-working world, a thing to be savored. What do you like about it over say a traditional to-do list? Then you will want to take that first baby step. The environment cannot be perfect every time I want. You're signed out. It sounds like you’re feeling guilty for sleeping in which sticks with you, having a negative impact on your ability to focus on work. In fact, I've never used a calendar app I liked. I really really want to utilize my time wisely, but I don't think I've been successful so far. Let the list take over. But there is one sure thing that is not going to change till the day I die, I just need to put the work in. When things go south I like putting myself on a sort of autopilot too. And exercise ... though I still struggle with that one. I definitely have low self-esteem. Would you recommend me reading these book? And some good life changes. Without focus and direction, it can sometimes feel impossible to get started. But it's usually 1-2). Getting distracted from your work by interesting blog posts, newsletters, Reddit posts, etc. I consider myself really lucky. Plan to sleep in with your guy, but also plan to get 2 to 3 hours of work done that evening. REALLY? And tomorrow. My Top Productivity Strategies Eliminate Time Wasting Activities by Using the Eisenhower Box : This simple decision matrix will help you take action, organize tasks, and get more done. Eric Ryan, the serial entrepreneur behind Method, Olly, and Welly, worked 8 hours. I suggest therapy. Those are some examples of how to keep yourself motivated. 1. Regardless of how busy everyone is these days, we all have at least several minutes each day where we have free time on our hands. This would have resulted in 1) you not having the tools to face problems because someone else always took care of your problems and 2) the feeling that a lot of stuff you do you're doing wrong anyway. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the productivity community, Tips and tricks for being more productive, Press J to jump to the feed. I'd say also do this right before bed, I don't know if it has any effect but I felt that writing out something like this, right before I was meant to start, kind of gave me a little feeling of productiveness that took away from actually doing said things. Someone who needs to have a plan, then try the three Post-it strategy or create your plan for the day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. if you're an illustrator, then someone who'se in a similar domain - maybe graphic design would be close enough, and then work with them 1 day a week at least. One of the best ways to help you stay focused is by having a plan for your … If you really want to be productive, you’ve got to make a point to do fewer things. 1) Pre-plan a day earlier. For this to work, you need to break a task down until you have an action step that you can actually complete in one sitting. For productivity, focus on how you can be even more productive for the rest of the day. I'm wondering what people use, and why they use it. Something small might inspire you to keep going. You might find that your mood improves at a faster rate when you aren’t beating yourself up about how unproductive you are. Instead of watching all the negativity that's on the news or in the newspaper, indulge in preparing your mind for a phenomenal day. I've tried it in Evernote but I'm very partial to pen and paper at the moment. Binge watching Netflix or YouTube. Good luck on the writing. Checking Facebook, Instagram, or other social media more than a few times per day. If I go to bed knowing the things I have to do, I'm more likely to do them. Tap to unmute. People with ADHD tend to have problems focusing on tasks that don’t interest them. Writing and art are both pretty lonely paths and the isolation can sometimes get to you. We need to plan our day or schedule our tasks in such a manner that we can complete them on time. This actually works. ... through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long! But if I have a day of depression I can't stick to my schedule and my productivity goes out the window. Checking email or Slack all throughout your day, including while you work or when you’re trying to relax. Cut yourself some slack, it hasn't been easy. Wow, thanks. I didn't ask this question. Have A Structured Night Routine. Copy link to clipboard. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you. Even with all the surprises and unplanned events, it should not distort more than 20% of your work schedule. If you want to ensure a productive day, you will need to start planning for your day the night before. Your mind is free to be creative and productive. In his best-seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey mentions a healthy lifestyle as an essential habit for becoming productive. ... but certain tips help us to prepare our brain for a productive day at work. Which leads to depression. I feel this is very much like an addiction problem not too different to alcohol. If I will think like this, I will start working, If I said it's enough, I will stop. Believe me! I don't know if r/productivity is the place to help me solve this issue, but I really want to fix it. I'm in basically the same boat. This … As an entrepreneur, I have time set aside each week for marketing, content development, admin, etc. Someone who needs to think, find time for your reading, strategizing and … If you decide to deal with your depression yourself (not suggested) then you need to do what makes you feel happy. Written goals & plans, a bit of structure and self forgiveness. Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :). Do the dishes for 5 minutes. I use the GTD system (Getting Things Done by David Allen) to stay productive. : productivity. Try it out! Two things are to be expected: 1) some blocks end up being too short or too long for their assigned tasks, and 2) new tasks come up. Depression is hard to deal with. It can be as simple as a notepad or you can use a full-blown GTD app. Truly productive people aren’t focused on doing more things; this is actually the opposite of productivity. You can try pills, therapy or go it alone. Will it help me achieve my goals?". Until and unless it’s some special day, you would generally know how the engagement of the next day. Now, imagine that feeling every day of your life — and you’ll know what living with ADHD feels like to me. Timer, turn off your phone and dive in and get to you at home making something great of day... 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