The Selective Service System it said, has the responsibility to deliver manpower to the armed forces in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum any adverse effect upon the national health, safety, interest and progress. The idea that American enlisted dead were made up largely of society’s poverty stricken misfits is a terrible slander to their memory and to the solid working-class and middle-class families of this country who provided the vast majority of our casualties. The names are listed chronologically by date of death, the first to last. And more’s the pity, because many of them were trying to escape this background and didn’t make it. Washington , DC Additionally, many of the names on the wall were other teenagers from the suburban white collar communities with siblings who were in, or would go on to college, but who, as individuals themselves, were slow to mature, struggled through high school and were therefore very available for the Vietnam War. 20024. A new Department of Defense (DOD) database computer tape released through the National Archives allows researchers to take a much closer look at our 58,152 Vietnam casualties. Multiple casualties occurring on the same day appear in alphabetical order. The feeling is that the poor, the undereducated and the minorities made up the vast majority of the combat arms during that war. The names of Army Master Sergeant Chester Ovnand and Major Dale Buis are inscribed on Panel 1E of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. Since then, 379 names have been added, for a total of 58,318 (as of Memorial Day 2017). This amounted to 4.1 percent of all enlisted casualties in Vietnam. What happens to items left at the memorial? The officer corps has always drawn heavily on English/Scottish/Welsh, German, Irish and Scandinavian-American ancestries from middle-class white collar homes, with other large percentages from ambitious working class blue collar and, of course, career military families. This makeup, they say, was the very antithesis of what we stand for as a democracy — a shameful corruption of our values and our historical sense of fairness and social justice. The DOD database shows that of the 2,100,000 men and women who served in Vietnam, 58,152 were killed. As a result, it was mainly the families of Navy and Air Force pilots and crewmen who suffered the great agony of the POW (prisoner of war) and MIA (missing in action) experience that came out of the Vietnam War. The article was originally published in the June 1993 issue of Vietnam Magazine and updated in November 2004. 900 Ohio Drive SW For blacks, however, only 7 percent placed in categories I and II and 93 percent placed in categories III and IV. Memorial pages honoring Vietnam War casualties, listed by their last names. As a result, the black casualty rate was reduced to 11.5 percent by 1969. Of the 7,262 blacks who died, 6,955, or 96 percent, were Army and Marine enlisted men. A more precise equation would be that the college bound stayed home while the non-college bound served and died. The Channeling Memo of July 1965, instructed all local draft boards to give status deferments to college undergraduate and post-graduate students. Although it is a truism that the young die in war, one is still unprepared for the fact that 40 percent of Marine enlisted casualties in Vietnam were teenagers; that more than 16 percent of Army enlisted casualties were also teenagers; and that nearly a quarter of all enlisted casualties in Vietnam were between the ages of 17- and 19-years old. The Navy fatalities were 2,556 or 2 percent. Known simply as “The Wall” to the men and women who can find the name of a loved one inscribed on it, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall lists the names of those who fell during the Vietnam War. Early on President Johnson, his advisers and especially the Congress, realized that if the draft was to be truly equitable and had included combat assignments in Vietnam for the sons of the educationally advantaged and influential Americans from the professional and managerial classes, then the resulting uproar would have shut down the war. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10, 1982, with 57,939 names. A reader sent to TWS Fact Check this Memorial Day weekend an internet meme claiming that of the more than 58,000 fallen service members commemorated on … And they often show a heartbreakingly wry sense of humor with the same sensibilities as their college-bound peers. Many high-ranking military men (including General William C. Westmoreland, the U.S. commander in Vietnam) opposed the program, feeling that the effectiveness of some units would be reduced and that fellow soldiers would sometimes be put in greater jeopardy by these less mentally capable personnel. The Army lost the greatest number of officers – 4,635 or 59 percent of all officer casualties. It should be noted, however, that the draft was specifically designed to trigger volunteer enlistments. Electronic registries available online or accessible by park staff in the information kiosk at the memorial allow users to search by several data including first name, last name, branch of service, rank, date of birth, date of casualty, state and/or city where they enlisted. They refer to older or younger siblings who are either in or on their way to college. The widely held notion that the poor served and died in Vietnam while the rich stayed home is way off the mark. The Air Force lost 2,580 or l percent. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines. The wall contains 58,307 names. The memorial is maintained by the U.S. National Park Service, and receives around 3 million visitors each year. The vast majority of Americans who were eligible by age but did not serve in the armed forces were exempted by reason of physical, mental, psychiatric, or moral failure; or they were given status deferments because they were college students, fathers, clergy, teachers, engineers or conscientious objectors. is brought to you by Historynet LLC, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. These casualties came largely from the Northeast and North Central regions of the United States, many from the traditionally patriotic, Catholic working class neighborhoods. The Wall USA is a non-profit endeavor maintained by veterans of the 4th Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment for the benefit of all. The Air Force lost the highest percentage of officers. They came largely from California and Texas, with lesser numbers from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, New York and a few from many other states across the country. Perhaps more important, many of them probably did not yet fully understand their own mortality and were therefore less likely to be hesitant in combat. Fort Irwin isn’t looking for a full-scale replica: This one should not be larger than 250 feet in length, or half the size of the (national) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on the National Mall. Dedicated in 1993, the Vietnam Women's Memorial pays tribute to the more than 265,000 women who served during the Vietnam era. The civilian and military men who formed the policy did not see it necessarily as a disadvantage. Nathan King, NPS The two 200-feet-long walls contain more than 58,000 names. The 58,152 names of those who died in Vietnam are etched onto the two rising black marble slabs of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. THE FIRST KNOWN CASUALTY Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Many of them, as experienced pilots, were older (two thirds were thirty or older) and many were high ranking. What will be the evolving historical judgment for those names on the Wall? Fully 50 percent were in the 17- to 24-year age group, and astonishingly, there were 764 Army officer casualties who were 21 or younger. Indeed, officer casualties of all branches were overwhelmingly white. Each row contains five names (six where a name has been added since the wall was originally installed). The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall lists the names of those killed and missing in action in chronological order according to the date of casualty. Less than 1 percent (0.8) were Jewish, Hindu, Thai, Buddhist or Muslim combined, and 5.7 listed no religion. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America’s honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Many of the 17- and 18-year olds were simply late in maturing. With the addition of six names added in 2010 the total is now 58,272 names listed on the Memorial. This, they felt, would offer these men the opportunity to get remedial training in the service and then be able to compete successfully when they returned to civilian life. The Vietnam War was no different. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. has the names listed in chronological order by date of loss. All classes were drafted or volunteered and all served and died equally, although it must be noted that most blacks died separately. There was no need to embellish. These changes will bring the total number of names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to 58,282 men and … This came at a time when blacks made up 11 percent of the male population nationwide. Since then, 379 names have been added, for a total of 58,318 (as of Memorial Day 2017). Although valuable, this study was almost certainly misinterpreted by its authors when they said that their data showed that most privileged and influential segments of American society were not insulated from the perils of Vietnam conflict. Who were they? Army and Marine officer casualties were also quite young. is listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having a casualty date of June 8, 1956. It may come as a surprise to some that 63.3 percent of all Vietnam enlisted casualties were not draftees but volunteers. The Wall of Faces seeks to have photos of all 58,276 U.S. service members whose names are on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, often known as The Wall. In this manner, the memorial evokes a theme of closure or completion; the first are with the last. The officer corps’ casualties alone would satisfy that judgment, but that is not the same as being representative. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a 2-acre (8,000 m ) U.S. national memorial in Washington, D.C. The very young were considered by many to be preferred combat material. As one walks the Wall slowly, examining the ineffably American names, one is struck by the same recurring surnames. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a black granite wall inscribed with the names of 58,286 American’s killed or missing in the Vietnam conflict. In terms of national origin/ancestries, an extensive sampling of the data-base reveals that Americans of French Canadian, Polish, Italian and other Southern and Eastern European surnames made up about 10 percent of the Vietnam casualties. There are veterans still eligible to have their names inscribed with their fellow honored dead. If officers are added, then almost 70 percent of those who died were volunteers. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing. The names of those who gave their lives and of those who remain missing are inscribed in the order they were taken from us. In civilian life, poor aptitude testing can have a tremendous negative impact, whether for college placement or for simple job advancement. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10, 1982, with 57,939 names. It forces us to the conclusion that many of those names on the wall were kids who just couldn’t quite get it together in high school, a little late in maturing intellectually, and didn’t have the resources or the guile to get out of the way when the war came. They did not, in most cases, carry the burdens of wife or children. Just as the Vietnam War had divided the country, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial garnered many outspoken opinions of both praise and antipathy. NAVY AND AIR FORCE OFFICER CASUALTIES BY RANK AND AGE. The slabs meet at a vertex of 125 degrees, 10 feet above ground level to form the Wall. He was a Navy enlisted man during World War II and has a degree in Political Science from Duke University. There is some truth to this, but it is instructive to look at what the DOD database reveals in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious preference and casualties by U.S. geographic areas. Only the Navy, with 50 percent of its enlisted casualties over 21, and the Air Force, with 75 percent over 21, showed an older, more experienced age demographic. It is not surprising, for instance, that West Virginia, Montana, and Oklahoma had a casualty rate almost twice that of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The Pentagon will add 96 names to the 58,022 on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial here after deciding to engrave combat-related deaths on the black stone. Upon reaching the farthest east end of the memorial at panel 70E, the pattern continues from the far west end of the memorial at panel 70W, continuing back to the center at panel 1W. The DOD database listed precise religious preferences for the 58,152 Vietnam casualties. The names are arranged first by date, and then alphabetically. In a massive sampling of the database, it was established that between 5 and 6 percent of Vietnam dead had identifiable Hispanic surnames. Mayor of Berlin and Chancellor of West Germany. Of 2,590 total Air Force casualties, 1,674 or 65 percent were officers. Nevertheless, 336,111 men were phased into the service under this plan (mostly the Army) and 2,072 were killed. In the military it can be somewhat more deadly. Many others joined the reserves or National Guard, which were not mobilized in any appreciable numbers during the war. Ty (Tyrus Raymond) Cobb, American baseball player, first man to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. But given the draft policies, the hard-sell recruitment, the severe escalation from month to month and the refusal by President Lyndon Johnson to call up the older reserves and National Guard, it could not have been otherwise. If the demographic is expanded to 17- to 21- years, then we find there were 83 percent of Marine enlisted casualties, and 65 percent of Army enlisted casualties. The article was written by Bill Abbott, an independent researcher and writer. On November 13 th, 1982 thousands of Vietnam Veterans participated in a march that ended at the memorial. The resulting aptitude scores were used to classify entrants into four categories and this would, for the most part, determine their subsequent assignments. There are over 58,000 names of men and women who died in action in Vietnam etched deeply into the dark, polished, mirror-like surface of that monument that is simply known as “The Wall” to Vietnam veterans. See the following photos and learn about the Vietnam Memorial. By and large, with the exception of the officer corps, most of the college bound and educated skipped the Vietnam War at the urging of, and with the approval of, their own government. Thus we can see that the channeling philosophy continued within the armed forces. You may enter information into any or all of the boxes below. These young men were trained quickly and shipped to Vietnam quickly. The ten names added this year met the DoD's criteria. These files are lists of the names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, listed in chronological order of the casualty date and then alphabetical by last name within a given date. The shining surface is intended to reflect the sun, the ground and those who stand before it. A correspondingly greater tradition of military service in the other regions had its effect on U.S. regional casualties. Panel numbers are engraved in the memorial at the bottom of each panel. ), EDUCATIONAL LEVELS OF ENLISTED CASUALTIES. ARMY AND MARINE OFFICER CASUALTIES BY RANK AND AGE. The names would become the memorial. Some recent studies tend to refute what had been the perceived wisdom of social scientists and other commentators that our Vietnam dead came overwhelmingly from the poor communities. Where previously a high school diploma had been an acceptable goal, now it was college and all the benefits it would bring. Vietnam War casualties from Massachusetts Click or Tap on name to find a personal memorial page of a casualty from this state. The popularity of the GI Bill after Vietnam emphasized this yearning. The Navy had a similar profile: 55 percent of its 622 officer casualties were 30 years of age or older, and 45 percent were ranked at lieutenant commander or above when they died. And, as in every American war, it is the very young who are the most willing to volunteer. These names represented those military personnel who... See … Only 10 percent of enlisted men had even some college to their credit and only 1 percent were college graduates. The names are listed in chronological order by date of their casualty and begin and end at the origin point, or center, of the memorial where the two walls meet. It is a word that stands for a being. John Kennedy, discussing military assignments, said that, life is unfair. True enough, but many of the surviving Vietnam casualty families would reply that the ultimate unfairness is death at an early age, in a land far from home, for reasons not clearly defined. They were at their peak physically. The slabs meet at a vertex of 125 degrees, 10 feet above ground level to form the Wall. How many Smiths can there possibly be who died in Vietnam? AGE 17 TO 21 PREFERRED ARMY AND MARINE COMBAT MATERIAL. Only 5 to 10 percent of enlisted men in the combat units were estimated to have had some college, and less than 1 percent of these enlisted men were college graduates. Officers of all services, by tradition largely Protestant, remained so during the Vietnam war, sustaining casualties in comparison with Catholics by a 5 to 2 ratio. The Army as a branch had 134,982 killed or wounded (9.5 percent), but the Marines suffered 66,227 killed or wounded (22.5 percent) or almost one of every four Marines who served. We were one giant Hollywood B-17 bomber crew, one perfect socioeconomic platoon storming Omaha Beach or Okinawa. They often reveal a typically warm American family atmosphere. A relatively small number refused to register for the draft at all. Despite their inexperience, they were thought to accept discipline readily. The panels are filled like pages of a journal listing the men and women's names as they fell. Almost 50 percent were majors, lieutenant-colonels, colonels and three were generals. Printed registries available at the memorial are organized alphabetically by last name. But after World War II a kind of educational apartheid had settled over the United States. The figures show that on average 65 percent of white enlisted men and 60 percent of black enlisted men were high school graduates. The 1970 census which is being used as our Vietnam era population base did not list an Hispanic count but gave an estimate of 4.5 percent of the American population. They also died quickly, many within a few weeks or months of arriving in Vietnam. If you do not know some of the information or want to see all the listing for a county, city, or last name, leave the other fields blank. The memorial was then officially dedicated. Of all enlisted men who died in Vietnam, blacks made up 14.1 percent of the total. With few exceptions, almost all of the 6,600 commissioned officers who died in Vietnam were graduates of the service academies, college Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), or the Officer Candidate School (OCS) programs. The burden of combat fell on the very available non-college-bound young. The third garden on the Museum site is the Vietnam Memorial Garden. Sad to say, many of these recruitment promises were fudged in one way or another, and many of these young men found themselves shipped directly to Vietnam after basic training. Since the days of Alexander the Great and the Roman Legions, it has always been the young, inexperienced, low-ranking enlisted man who has taken the brunt of combat casualties. Items are gathered by park staff. Postscript: Since 1982, there have been 89 names added to The Wall. The same profile holds true for the Marine Corps, where 87 percent of all officer casualties (821 of 938) were warrant officers, lieutenants or captains. However, if officer casualties are added to the total, then this overrepresentation is reduced to 12.5 percent of all casualties. Those who could have qualified for college probably did not have the funds or motivation. All of the names were read out loud this year for the fifth time. If the two branches are combined, then 80 percent of the Army and Marine enlisted casualties were privates or corporals, grades E-1 to E-4. Having the names begin and end at the center is meant to form a circle – a completion to the war. When the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated, it originally had 57,939 names inscribed on it. Since its adoption in 1951, at the time of the Korean War, this policy had been renewed by Congress every four years. Why Names Are Added To The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Heartbreak Hope In To Add 74 Names Vietnam Frequently Asked Ions Vietnam Veterans Memorial U S Vietnam War Veterans Kids Say Agent Orange Impact A Lower end category IVs consisting of those who scored below 20 on the AFQT were usually rejected for service. Protestants were 64.4 percent (37,483), Catholics were 28.9 percent (16,806). 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