We use these abbreviations instead of the full terminology to save space or avoid repetition. For example: According to Cook-Gumperz (1986), “The systematic development of literacy and schooling meant a new division in society, between the educated and the uneducated” (p. 27). Just as with numbers, don’t include an apostrophe when pluralizing abbreviations. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/children-economy.aspx. The “Center for Disease Control and Prevention” becomes the “CDC” and the phrase “English language learners” becomes “ELLs”. Abbreviations If you include the citation many times in your paper, you might want to abbreviate the group author name. Additionally, many readers will skim an article before reading it closely, and defining abbreviations in tables and figures will allow the readers to understand the abbreviations immediately. If we read this sentence with the abbreviation spelled out, it would read as, “Often English language learners students…” Instead, the repeated noun “students” should be removed. For example, ‘UNESCO’ is much shorter than ‘United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’. In a recent guest post, Dr. Anthony Onwuegbuzie and colleagues (Onwuegbuzie, Combs, Slate, & Frels, 2010) presented a list of common APA Style errors. And if you have created an identity-concealing label for a participant, use a period after each letter. Abstract. Audio: Abbreviations can take some practice to get used to, so let’s look at a few common errors when using abbreviations. Now you’re prepared to use abbreviations appropriately in your writing and avoid these common abbreviation mistakes. How do I abbreviate group authors in in-text citations and reference list entries? Still worried about that red pen? These rules and examples are as follows: Audio: Abbreviations can be a helpful way of shortening phrases or names when you use them repeatedly in your writing. ** p < .01, two-tailed. From the beginning, the DSM has been widely used as a guide by state and federal agencies for the reporting of public health statistics and the fulfillment of legislative mandates, as well as its use as a classification guide for research and clinical psychologists. As an example, let’s consider APA’s guidance on introducing acronyms (from section 4.22): So in your paper on the psychological effects of duckpin versus tenpin bowling, when you mention the American Bowling Congress just twice, spell it out both times (and don’t introduce the abbreviation ABC). Example (Ezzy, 2002, p. 30) According to Gibbs (2009, pp. If these seem arbitrary, don’t worry! If one page number is being referred to, use the abbreviation p. for page. An exception to abbreviations in the reference list is when works have been published using abbreviations as part of the author, title, or source. You can find abbreviations discussed in the Publication Manual in section 4.22 (starting on p. 106). Punctuation is also covered in more detail on pages 87–96 of the Publication Manual. “clients in their 80s”), and is discussed further in section 4.38 on page 114 of the Publication Manual. The ELLs (English Language Learners) in my class give a different perspective. Retrieved from. Citations In your text, use the author–date format for citations. For example, the "about" page on the American Psychological Association site (http://www.apa.org/about/) was surely written by one or more real people. For example, ‘The American Psychological Association (APA) has set a writing style guide for academic documents. Some of these have been fairly controversial, such as the attempt to remove the term neurosis from DSM-III and the varying treatment of sexual disorders. CHECK on more APA Formatting Examples Title page. Just follow these guidelines, as recommended by the Publication Manual (p. 107): Finally, see pages 106–108 of the Publication Manual for additional guidance on abbreviations, including how and when to introduce them, examples of under- and overuse, and more. Because of the unwieldy nature of this term, wouldn’t it make more sense to introduce the abbreviation (which is VLCADD) in this case? Some abbreviations are pronounced as words (e.g., RAM), and some abbreviations are pronounced letter-by-letter, which is also called an initialism (e.g., HMO, IQ). The first time you use an abbreviation, it’s important to spell out the full term and put the abbreviation in parentheses. Not all abbreviations need to be defined. If you’ve mastered the fine points of APA Style throughout a manuscript, your choices will be recognized as careful decisions, not, oversights. In the reference list entry, do not include the abbreviation for the group author. 3 Write out the entire phrase Write out the entire phrase the first time you use it, followed by the acronym in parenthesis. A good introduction will summarize, integrate, and critically evaluate the empirical knowledge in the relevant area(s) in a way that sets the stage for your study and why you conducted it. (Note that abbreviations are not used on the reference list.) Sometimes an abbreviation is presented along with an in-text citation. However, if the abbreviation would help the reader recognize a term or find your article via search, then it is permissible to include an abbreviation in the abstract, even if it is not used three times. 2. The reader might have a hard time remembering what the abbreviation means if you use it infrequently. | If you do use an abbreviation in a running head, you can use it straightaway without definition. TrackBack (0). If an abbreviation does not appear in the dictionary, you should define it. Comments (7) (n.d.). If you’ve mastered the fine points of APA Style throughout a manuscript, your choices will be recognized as careful decisions, not oversights. †† p < .01, one-tailed. Individual chapters and other book parts are also assigned DOIs. The following samples and explanations are provided, and as the speaker continues, each correction is displayed. Walden students need to know how to cite information using the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. The Publication Manual (p. 176) recommends writing out the name of group authors, even if used many times in your text, if the group author name is short or “if the abbreviation would not be readily understandable.”, Posted by Timothy McAdoo at 1:05 PM Be bolded, centered, and begin 3-4 lines down from the top margin of the paper. Yep, go ahead: Your readers will thank you! So be sure to display your in-depth knowledge of APA Style in all other areas of your paper: The. In this first example, the way the abbreviation is introduced is switched; the abbreviation should be in parentheses, rather than the other way around. Often ELL students have different experiences they can expose other students to. Permalink You might both still be. The title should be provided in title case. Permalink Then, simply use the abbreviation throughout the remainder of your work, including in your in-text and parenthetical citations. 1. When referring to a term or name of an organisation for the first time, always spell it out and then add the abbreviated name beside it. Sample APA-7 Paper: Student Format for Undergraduate Students The title of your paper goes on the top line of the first page of the body (American Psychological Association [APA], 2019, section 2.11). 34-35) in Abbreviations, How-to, In-text citations, References Introduce Them with Parentheses. Generally, do not use periods in abbreviations. in Abbreviations, Punctuation | For more, see our dedicated post on plural abbreviations and numbers. The Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual Is Available for Preorder! If you have several references by the same group author, you only need to abbreviate the name once (see here for how to handle references with the same author and date). Let’s look at our examples. Some exceptions are that you should use periods in the abbreviations for United States and United Kingdom when these terms are used as adjectives (don’t abbreviate them if they are used as nouns). in Abbreviations, Publication Manual help According to the American Psychological Association (n.d.), “psychology is a diverse discipline, grounded in science, but with nearly boundless applications in everyday life” (Definition of "Psychology," para. This post will address how to use  abbreviations in APA Style—specifically, how to use acronyms, which are abbreviations made up of the first letters of each word in a phrase. You are not obligated to abbreviate the name of a group author, but you can if the abbreviation would help avoid cumbersome repetition and will appear more than three times in the paper. The purpose of the abstract is to serve as the following: An introduction to the author’s ideas; A brief summary of the research the author conducted; Define any abbreviations and terminology. And, how should you cite them in APA Style? Yes, you can use abbreviations in tables and figures. If you’re still concerned, you might discuss your paper and the APA Style guidelines with your teacher or advisor. Pluralize Numbers and Abbreviations Without Apostrophes, How Do You Spell IQ? When a DOI is available, provide it after the publisher information. You won’t have to phone a friend each time you consider using an abbreviation. Let’s look at our examples. In each case, we’ve written out the full phrase or name, and then we have introduced the abbreviation in parentheses. If an abbreviation has multiple pronunciations, use the first one shown in the dictionary entry. Title page contains the title of the paper, author’s name and institution formatted in Times … We’ll be back in May 2013 with tips on how to cite the DSM-5 itself, so mark your calendar! If the spelled-out version of the term appears in the narrative for the first time, put the abbreviation and the author–date citation in parentheses after it, separated by a semicolon. For a narrative citation, which is when you refer to the author(s) within the sentence, use author (year). this blog post). in Abbreviations, Grammar and usage, How-to, Tests and measures 1), “psychology is a diverse discipline, grounded in science, but with nearly boundless applications in everyday life.”. Decide what terms you want to use an acronym for in your paper. This means that all major words are capitalized. Narrative: Follow the author-date method of an in-text citation when using APA Style. We recommend that you avoid them, unless the abbreviation is well-known and there is no alternative running head that would be better. Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase that includes the author's last name followed by the date of publication in parentheses. APA format is a specific writing style used to … These exceptions are words for which the abbreviated forms have become commonplace. The title Walden University Writing Center and tagline “Your writing, grammar, and APA experts” appears on the screen. To use abbreviations, you’ll first want to spell out the phrase or name, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. So, what does “as needed” mean? The acronym APA refers to the American Psychological Association (APA) and is important in determining an assigned writing style. Visual: Video transitions to new slide still titled, “Abbreviations,” with three examples of what not to do when referring to an acronym or abbreviation. The APA official stylebook suggests that the appendix should … The trick is knowing when it’s okay to do your own thing. We recommend that you avoid them—for example, the reader may skim the paper before reading it in full, and abbreviations in headings may be difficult to understand out of context. | A similar rule in section 4.29 on page 110 applies to abbreviations. Acronyms are pronounced as one word (e.g. (2011). Posted by Timothy McAdoo at 9:50 AM Visual: Video changes to new slide titled, “Abbreviations." It’s even trickier when you know someone may be reading your paper with a red pen in hand! So, if a term you intend to abbreviate appears in a heading (e.g., the name of a test or measure), spell out the term in the heading and then when it first appears in the text, spell it out again and define it there. Clear enough, but note that the Manual says “you probably serve the reader best” by doing this. Who’s writing all those pages? Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the first letters of the words in a phrase or an organisation’s name: 1. If you only use a few abbreviations, you don’t need to include a list—follow the guidance below on how to define abbreviations within the text. Do not use back-to-back parentheses. If you are working in any field that involves human behavior, sooner or later you will need to cite the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The list of abbreviations should appear at the beginning of the document, just after the table of contents. Below are some guidelines to use in citing the most recent edition. serve the reader best” by doing this. Spelling out the name in some sections and abbreviating in others can confuse the reader. “the other APA”), the DSM provides a set of common criteria and language for talking about dysfunctions of the mind and emotions. This can help you with concision in your writing. Go here for information on how to cite it. Depending on your sentence construction, these could appear separately or together. | Abbreviations as Words in APA Style, very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency, Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS), Hyphenation Station: The Hyphenation of Prefixes in APA Style, How to Cite Edition, Volume, and Page Numbers for Books. The DSM has gone through five revisions since it was first published in 1952, and each of those revisions has included substantial changes in structure and definitions. In general, it is not necessary to use abbreviations in the abstract because the abstract is so short. Use an abbreviation at least three times in a paper if you are going to use it at all. If necessary, refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. In APA 6, this has been dropped (cf. Example: Katie joined the American Library Association (ALA) in 2010. | after it in the dictionary, that means it needs to be defined; if it does not have this designation, the abbreviation is considered a word on its own and can be used straight off the bat, without definition. ALA has many events... Use only the acronym throughout your paper after the first reference unless there are multiple pages between the first reference and subsequent references. There is no official guidance on whether to use abbreviations in the running head. Although the stylistic guidelines in the Publication Manual are meant to ensure consistency within scientific writing, we also recognize the importance of a writer’s good judgment. See these examples: The patient had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in March of the previous year. For a term in parentheses, put the abbreviation in brackets after the term: (response time [RT]) • Group author names may be abbreviated in the text (e.g., American Psychological Association [APA]), but should not be abbreviated in references. About APA. Retain these abbreviations because the reader will need them to retrieve the source (you also do not need to define them—just present them as-is). Longer phrases make better candidates for abbreviation. People sometimes think there is no need to introduc… Comments (17) This gives readers the opportunity to understand the meanings of key terms they are not familiar even before they start to read the main content of the paper. On receipt, the journal editor may give the manuscript a preliminary read to ensure that it generally adheres to APA Style, that the content is within the purview of the journal, and that the type of article (e.g., empirical study, theoretical review) is to represent pages. | kgs., CDs, Eds. | Comments (28) Although the “who” element for many references is an individual author or authors, “who” can also be a group author. For instance, writing “the 1960’s” when referring to that entire decade is incorrect; instead, one should write “the 1960s.” The same rule applies to the plural form of any other type of number, such as describing someone’s age (e.g. Click a question below to jump straight to its answer. To use an abbreviation, write out the term or phrase on first use, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. APA in-text citations usually consist of three parts: author, year published, and page or paragraph number. All of this is to say, you should work towards a balanced use of abbreviations, using them to help you achieve concision but not using them so much that they become difficult for your reader. The rules are in blue boxes with large text, and examples for these rules are in small grey boxes to the right of the blue boxes. Then, for any subsequent citations, simply use the abbreviation in place of the group author’s full name. When adding an abbreviation in a paper, consider the following: The abbreviation must be introduced the first time it is used in the paper. Working with academic articles and writing an assignment for college requires a vest insight not only into the standard language, use of terminology or a specific reference type, i.e., Chicago, MLA or APA style but also to be well aware of common abbreviations and shortenings. And, of course, please feel free to comment on this post or contact us with any of your style questions. MAIN PAPER (will have four distinct parts): I. How, then, should you recognize an exception? You may use “abbreviations that appear as word entries (i.e., that are not labeled. How you introduce the abbreviation will depend on whether you’re using a narrative or parenthetical citation. If you’re still concerned, you might discuss your paper and the APA Style guidelines with your teacher or advisor. Posted by David Becker at 4:33 PM Likewise, your readers are more likely to recognize REM sleep than rapid eye movement sleep. Do not alternate between spelling out the term and abbreviating it. Abbreviations may be used for long, technical terms that are used frequently within a paper written in APA Style. Because of these changes and their effects on areas as disparate as longitudinal research parameters and health insurance benefits, it’s important to be precise when citing the DSM. Put a double-spaced blank line between the title and the byline. That meant you had to introduce acronyms in the abstract and then again in the body. Permalink Apostrophes are generally used in contractions and to indicate the possessive case, but they are not used to form plurals of numbers and abbreviations in APA Style. Dollars and sense: Talking to your children about the economy. In text, cite the name of the association and the name of the manual in full at the first mention in the text; thereafter, you may refer to the traditional DSM form (italicized) as follows: After you have spelled out the name of the manual on first mention in the text, format the parenthetical citation as follows: The DSM-5 hasn’t been released yet, but there’s been much discussion of the proposed content. It’s even trickier when you know someone may be reading your paper with a red pen in hand! References In the reference, spell out the full group author name. In this second example, the abbreviation includes a word that is then repeated (as a synonym) in the sentence. To make an abbreviation plural, add an –s (or –es, for abbreviations ending in s already). Yep, go ahead: Your readers will thank you! Will you use the abbreviation at least three times in the paper? Use the article that matches the way the abbreviation is pronounced—an before a vowel sound and a before a consonant sound. Use abbreviations to avoid cumbersome repetition and enhance understanding, not just as a writing shortcut. As with other abbreviations, spell out the name of the group upon first mention in the text and then provide the abbreviation. Not all abbreviations need to be defined. Would spelling out the term every time be overly repetitive and cumbersome? There are slight differences depending on which style you are using. • The purpose of the introduction is the same as any research paper: in one to two paragraphs, briefly introduce and state the issue to be examined. If a standard abbreviation does not exist, then you can create your own. Generally, if you're talking about issues in the business world, then With a narrative citation, introduce the abbreviation in parentheses with the publication year. Because of the unwieldy nature of this term, wouldn’t it make more sense to introduce the abbreviation (which is VLCADD) in this case? However, if your paper does not have a list of abbreviations or a list of tables and figures, you can place the glossary right after the table of contents. For example, when pluralizing an acronym, such as “CV” for “curriculum vitae,” all you need to do is add an s to the end, as in “CVs.”. Lines are drawn from each example with a note about why each is wrong (listed in a). Contractions are mostly used to simplify common pronoun/verb combinations. Ask yourself these questions each time you consider using a particular abbreviation: How do I introduce an abbreviation in the text? The introduction of an APA-style paper is the most difficult to write. Note that if two different groups would abbreviate to the same form (e.g., both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association abbreviate to APA), you cannot use the abbreviation in your paper—instead you must spell out the term every time to avoid ambiguity. Visual: The screen changes to an ending slide with a person typing on a laptop and a notebook and pencil, along with the Walden University Writing Center logo. Do all abbreviations needs to be defined? TrackBack (0). Visual: Screen opens to a background image with a person typing on a laptop and a notebook and pencil, along with the Walden University Writing Center logo. Can I use abbreviations in the title of a paper? If your reference has a group author, the name of the group can sometimes be abbreviated—for example, American Psychological Association can be abbreviated to APA. Each letter in an initialism is pronounced separately (e.g. in Abbreviations, Author names, Common references, How-to, In-text citations, References The introduction starts out broad (but not too broad!) Finally, in our third example, the abbreviation wasn’t used at all, even though it had already been introduced. If you won’t use it three times, then spell out the term every time. In this post, I’ll focus on just one possibility: group authors. UPDATE: DSM-5 has arrived! How many total abbreviations do you have in the paper? Almost, but there are a handful of exceptions. | UNICEF). Permalink How do I present an abbreviation in conjunction with an in-text citation? Comments (37). If the name of the group first appears in parentheses, put the abbreviation in brackets after it, followed by a comma and the year for the citation. Avoid using abbreviations in the title of a paper. Instead, spell out the full name of the group. For example: In the fall, he plans to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). How, then, should you recognize an exception? | 3. However, contractions are generally considered too informal for academic writing. The list should also be included in your table of contents. Let’s say you are writing a paper on metabolism disorders, and you need to mention very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency just two times. just two times. Do abbreviate: hr, min, ms, ns, s. To form the plural of abbreviations, add s alone without apostrophe or italicization. 241–243. Permalink Examples. ; DSM-5) in text when you cite these discussions. It is generally referred to as the APA style ’. For example, you might cite a test or measure that has an abbreviation and then provide its citation (for a common case, here is how to cite the DSM-5). These straightforward rules demand careful adherence to the format of your APA paper. For example, APA 5 style used to say that abstracts had to be self contained. For more information, take a look at our other posts on punctuation in APA Style. Dollars and sense: Talking to your children about the economy. In general, use an abbreviation if (a) it is conventional and readers are likely to be more familiar with the abbreviation than with the complete form and (b) considerable space can be saved and cumbersome repetition avoided. For example, it is usually easier to read a two-word phrase than it is to remember the meaning of a two-letter abbreviation. In this example, the author is “American Psychological Association” and the date is “n.d.”. But, because no individual byline is listed and because this resides on the organization’s webpage, you would reference it as a group author. If the spelled-out version of the term appears in parentheses for the first time, put the abbreviation in brackets after it, followed by a semicolon and the author–date citation. Posted by Chelsea Lee at 11:19 AM INTRODUCTION • In general, all papers should begin with an introduction that includes a thesis statement (see handout on a good/bad thesis). For example: Smith (2018) found...; Parenthetical: For a parenthetical citation, which is when you refer to the author(s) after the idea is presented, use (author, year). Avoiding bias is important in APA style; word choice is one means of avoiding bias in one’s paper Bias, in this case, is used to refer mainly to various elements within a population The three main areas in which this is an issue are: Disability Race & Ethnicity Sexuality Another situation you might encounter is the need to introduce an abbreviation as part of a citation when you’d like to shorten a group author. Sometimes it’s okay to color outside the lines. When you use an abbreviation in both the abstract and the text, define it in both places upon first use. The trick is knowing when it’s okay to do your own thing. Can I use abbreviations in tables and figures? I still go with introduce the acronym on first use … When the spelled-out version first appears in the narrative of the sentence, put the abbreviation in parentheses after it: When the spelled-out version first appears in parentheses, put the abbreviation in brackets after it: After you define an abbreviation (regardless of whether it is in parentheses), use only the abbreviation. In 2010, the estimated number of websites was 255 million. The paper title also appears at the top of the first page of your paper. Avoid using abbreviations in a title. In APA Style, cite your sources by putting the information about the source in parentheses at the end of a sentence or in the text of your paper as opposed to a footnote where the source information is at the bottom of the page or an endnote where it goes at the end of your paper. A common mistake people make is to include apostrophes when pluralizing a number or an abbreviation. | Then, you can use just the abbreviation in subsequent references after that. If there are multiple pages use pp. Let’s say you are writing a paper on metabolism disorders, and you need to mention. A similar rule in section 4.29 on page 110 applies to abbreviations. In an APA paper, you must include an abstract. Writing out the full term in the title will ensure potential readers know exactly what you mean, and if your article is formally published, it will ensure it is accurately indexed. These are included in the in-text citation. | We’d love to hear from you! Permalink Then, in any subsequent use of that phrase or name, only use the abbreviation. Are there other examples from the Publication Manual where you think flexibility is important? If you need to distinguish between two-tailed and one-tailed tests in the same table, use asterisks for two-tailed p values and an alternate symbol (such as daggers) for one-tailed p values. The length of the introduction will vary depending on the type of research paper you are writing. Is the reader familiar with the abbreviation? Notice that the author portion still ends with a period. Introduce your abbreviation in parentheses the first time you use it. 241–243. Still worried about that red pen? Submission” on the APA website helpful for preparing manuscripts for APA journals. If you are unsure of the pronunciation of an abbreviation, look it up in the dictionary or ask a colleague. IQ, for example, is better known than is intelligence quotient. TrackBack (0), Technorati Tags: If the name of the group first appears in the narrative, put the abbreviation, a comma, and the year for the citation in parentheses after it. Do not add an apostrophe. For example, when pluralizing an acronym, such as “CV” for “curriculum vitae,” all you need to do is add an s to the end, as in “CVs.” This rule also applies to standalone letters, as in “The students all received As.” For abbreviations that end with a period, such as “Ed.” to indicate an editor in a reference list entry, add an s before the period, as in “Eds.” When pluralizing an italicized abbreviation, remember not to italicize the s, as in “ps.” Just don’t add an apostrophe. | Posted by Timothy McAdoo at 12:36 PM Exception: To avoid confusion, do not add s to pluralize units of measurement (i.e., use "12 m" to signify "twelve meters," not "12 ms"). Can I use abbreviations in the running head? | The purpose of defining abbreviations in the table note or figure caption is that if other authors reuse your graphical display in a future paper, the definitions of the terms will be attached. Use abbreviations sparingly and only when they will help readers understand your work. 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Has been dropped ( cf: your readers will thank you consistency within writing. Applications in everyday life. ” a common mistake people make is to include apostrophes when pluralizing abbreviations ''... To how to introduce abbreviations in a paper apa your own thing own thing on this post or contact us with of. Use an abbreviation in parentheses | Permalink | Comments ( 37 ) time you use an abbreviation plural, an... Been introduced I abbreviate group authors to remember the meaning of a paper punctuation is covered! Put the abbreviation in subsequent references after that the patient had been diagnosed with traumatic injury. In tables and figures refer to the format of your paper, you might both still be learning 6th!