There had been many rumors of Santa Anna's imminent arrival, but Travis ignored them. Later that afternoon Santa Anna personally presided over the distribution of shoes to some members of his army. The men from Bastrop and some of the others from Gonzales decided to wait, including Edwin T. Mitchell, Fannin's courier. The second day of the siege began early with the Texians facing a newly established battery erected by the Mexicans during the night. Neill soon persuaded Bowie that the location held strategic importance. In the early hours of February 23, residents began fleeing Béxar, fearing the Mexican army's imminent arrival. VICTORY OR DEATH. Several months previously, Texians had driven all Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas. I also sent a letter asking for more help in the battle. [133] His secretary, Ramón Martínez Caro, later repudiated the report. Bonham then went to Gonzales, only to find that most of the men who weren't at the Alamo had gone to the constitutional convention. [43] Angry that Bowie presented himself as Santa Anna's equal,[44] the Mexican general refused to meet with Jameson, but allowed Colonel Juan Almonte and Jose Bartres to parley. [66], Santa Anna sent a messenger to tell Gaona to hurry to Bexar with his three best companies. The desperate struggle continued until the defenders were overwhelmed. Travis ordered the Alamo's 18-pounder cannon fired. That afternoon, Santa Anna called a council of war with his senior officers. The Low Barracks was 114 feet (35 m) long, and the Long Barracks was 186 feet (57 m) long and 18 feet (5.5 m) wide. I will, however, do the best I can under the circumstances, and I feel confident that the determined valour and desperate courage, heretofore evinced by my men, will not fail them in the last struggle, and although they may be sacrificed to the vengeance of a Gothic enemy, the victory will cost the enemy so dear, that it will be worse for him than a defeat. [48] The Texians received one reinforcement that night, when one of Seguin's men, Gregorio Esparza, arrived with his family. [15] Angered by what he perceived to be American interference in Mexican affairs, Santa Anna spearheaded a resolution classifying foreign immigrants found fighting in Texas as pirates. [60] Seguin did not expect to survive the mission; he and Cruz encountered a Mexican cavalry patrol[73] but were able to escape using their knowledge of Spanish and the local terrain. [160] According to Bill Groneman's Battlefields of Texas, the Alamo has become "the most popular tourist site in Texas".[159]. ), Lieutenant José Maria Torres is credited with successfully raising the Mexican flag; he was mortally wounded in the process. According to historian J.R. Edmondson, "The flag was a variation of the Mexican tricolor with two stars, representing the separated states of Texas and Coahuila, gleaming from the white center bar. He discovered a road near the Alamo and moved the Jiménez Battalion to guard it. The marble monument erected for the 1936 Texas Centennial honors the Texans who died in the 1836 Battle of the Alamo. [52] Both emissaries met with Colonel Juan Almonte and José Bartres. The other was located 1,000 feet (300 m) east of the eastern wall. [37] Officers used the long journey to train the men. In 1837, Santa Anna's secretary Roman Martinez Caro did report "two small reinforcements from Gonzales that succeeded in breaking through our lines and entering the fort. [31] Historian Lon Tinkle speculated that the combination of the church bell ringing and the sight of the two Texian scouts led Sesma to believe that the Texians were planning an assault on the cavalry. Mexican soldiers drove a second group across the prairie. 252.). [12] Most of his soldiers were raw recruits,[13] and many had been forcibly conscripted. [49] On learning this, Bowie and Travis mutually agreed to fire the cannon again. [Note 16][131], Santa Anna reportedly told Captain Fernando Urizza that the battle "was but a small affair". [138] Three Texians were sent to act as sentries outside the walls. [44][Note 8] After learning of the planned celebration, Santa Anna ordered General Joaquín Ramírez y Sesma to immediately seize the unprotected Alamo, but sudden rains halted that raid. The three men, who Dickinson believed included Davy Crockett, were sent to find Fannin. [70], Residents of Bexar were able to come into or near the Alamo in the first few days of the siege. [11] Determined to quell the rebellion of immigrants, Santa Anna began assembling a large force, the Army of Operations in Texas, to restore order. In the complex was a seminary for the priests, a chapel, barracks for missionaries and their families and a textile workshop. [20] An interior plaza was bordered on the east by the chapel and to the south by a one-story building known as the Low Barracks. Hand-drawn map depicting the Siege of the Alamo. [115], Bonham arrived near Bexar around 11 am on March 3. [106] Others climbed through gun ports in the west wall, which had few occupiers. The Mexican army celebrated loudly throughout the afternoon, both in honor of their reinforcements and at the news that troops under General Jose de Urrea had soundly defeated Texian Colonel Frank W. Johnson at the Battle of San Patricio on February 27. Texian sentries refused to open the gate, but others helped the family climb through the window of the chapel. "[42] Travis was angered that Bowie had acted unilaterally and sent his own emissary to the Mexican army; he received the same response. [84] In Bastrop, Edward Burleson began organizing a militia, which likely left for Gonzales on February 27,[85] arriving the following day. The Mexicans won the battle, killing all of the Texan soldiers inside the fort. The Alamo was defended by a small force of Texians and Tejanos, led by William Barrett Travis and James Bowie, and included Davy Crockett. [153] Santa Anna was captured the following day, and reportedly told Houston: "That man may consider himself born to no common destiny who has conquered the Napoleon of the West. We have 150 men and are determined to defend the Alamo to the last. [148], Despite their losses at the Alamo, the Mexican army in Texas still outnumbered the Texian army by almost six to one. Waiting there were dragoons under Colonel Ramirez y Sesma, who had arrived the previous evening. [101] The same day Texians spotted a Mexican general surrounded by aides and dragoons and fired, but did not hit any of them. The famous siege of the Alamo in San Antonio lasted from February 23 to March 6, 1836. Texian sharpshooters remained on alert, and on the evening of February 29 killed Private First Class Secundino Alvarez, who had been ordered to ride near the Alamo to reconnoiter the defenses. ), Edmondson speculates that these men might have been sick or wounded and were therefore unable to fight. [12] At the northern corner of the east wall stood a cattle pen and horse corral. When they said yes, he turned and told them to follow him. As Santa Anna had planned, the exhausted Texians soon fell into a deep sleep, the first uninterrupted sleep many had gotten since the siege began. [134] Legend holds that at some point on March 5, Travis gathered his men and explained that an attack was likely imminent, and that the Mexican Army would likely prevail. Albert Martin had reached Gonzales, the most westerly community of Texians, on February 25, the day after Sutherland and Smith had arrived with Travis's first message. [15][16] Santa Anna reiterated this message in a strongly worded letter to United States President Andrew Jackson. [44] Few arrangements had been made for a potential siege. While the Alamo was under siege, delegates at the Convention of 1836 declared independence and formed the Republic of Texas on 2 March 1836. [57] Santa Anna also ordered that his military band serenade the Texians throughout the night. The reinforcements brought the number of Mexican soldiers in Béxar to almost 3,100. Fragments of uniforms were found in the coffin, and it is known that the Alamo occupiers did not wear uniforms. "[138] The shouting woke the Texians, but by the time they reached their posts the Mexican soldiers were already within musket range. [54] There, Launcelot Smithers took custody of the message and delivered it to San Felipe,[55] where it was read by Governor Henry Smith. [23] Cos' column, under fire from Texians on the west wall, also veered north. [90] It took most of the day for the men to round up the oxen; after two days of travel, Fannin's men had not even ventured 1 mile (1.6 km) from their fort. By sunrise, the battle had ended and Santa Anna entered the Alamo compound to survey the scene of his victory. [134] Other estimates of the number of Mexican soldiers killed ranged from 60–200, with an additional 250–300 wounded. He attacked on March 6, 1836, overrunning the approximately 200 defenders in less than two hours. On April 21, 1836, at the Battle of San Jacinto, Sam Houston led an army of over 800 Texans to attack Santa Anna’s army. 374.) They overlooked the fact that mesquite grass sprouted earlier than normal grass. A large 18-pounder had arrived in Texas with the New Orleans Greys. [55][59][60] Several Texians ventured out to burn the huts[60] while Texians within the Alamo provided cover fire. Nevertheless, all of the escaping Texians were killed. [37] The army began its march north in late December. By the time they reached the other side it was dark, and the men camped along the river. [104] The tight concentration of troops also offered an excellent target for the Texian artillery. A Mexican patrol attacked, driving off four of the men including Bastian. [108] The Mexican soldiers closest to the north wall realized that the makeshift wall contained many gaps and toeholds. The Siege of the Alamo (February 23 – March 6, 1836) describes the first thirteen days of the Battle of the Alamo. February 23, 1836, began the siege of the Alamo, a 13-day moment in history that turned a ruined Spanish mission in the heart of downtown San Antonio, Texas, into a shrine known and revered the world over. [55] No Texians were injured.[63]. [68] Travis also wrote another letter requesting help. This group traveled less than 1.0 mile (1.6 km) before turning back. [79] The Texians did not realize it was Santa Anna. [50] When the Mexican troops raised a blood-red flag signifying no quarter, Travis responded with a blast from the Alamo's largest cannon. “The Siege of The Alamo” by Lajos Markos Reproduced with thanks to the Markos Estate The old timers said that a dry, chill wind was blowing out of the northwest, right from the heart of the Commancheria, that dawn of March 6, 1836. From shop DesertStampsShop. At 5:30 am, Santa Anna gave the order for the advance, and his excited troops began shouting "Viva Santa Anna, Viva la republica! The advance force reached as far as the Seguin ranch, gathering corn, cattle, horses, and mules, then turned back to wait along Cibolo Creek for the remainder of Fannin's force. By March 1, the number of Mexican casualties were nine dead and four wounded, while the Texian garrison had lost only one man. There were not enough mules to transport all of the supplies, and many of the teamsters, all civilians, quit when their pay was delayed. There would have been little glory in a bloodless victory, and glory is what Santa Anna craved above all else. (Edmondson (2000), p. 373), According to Petite, "Every account of the Crockett surrender-execution story comes from an avowed antagonist (either on political or military grounds) of Santa Anna's. Texian Green Jameson tasked the men in the Alamo with finishing a well at the south end of the plaza. Impatient with the delay, on February 27 Travis ordered Samuel G. Bastian to go to Gonzales "to hurry up reinforcements". [24][Note 1], To compensate for the lack of firing ports, Texian engineer Green B. Jameson constructed catwalks to allow defenders to fire over the walls; this method, however, left the rifleman's upper body exposed. The Battle of the Alamo was a 13 day siege fought from February 23 1836 and March 6, 1836 between a handful of 180 American rebels, fighting for Texan independence from Mexico, who were in the Alamo against Mexican forces of about 4000, under President General Santa Anna. 124. [163] In the decades since, the battle has featured prominently in many non-fiction works. [17][18] Two days later Juan Seguin's scout Blas María Herrera reported that the vanguard of the Mexican army had crossed the Rio Grande. The reinforcements brought the number of Mexican soldiers in Bexar to almost 2,400. Between five and seven Texians may have surrendered; if so, they were quickly executed. [106] As each door was blown off Mexican soldiers would fire a volley of muskets into the dark room, then charge in for hand-to-hand combat. [26] The next night, Santa Anna and his army camped at Leon Creek, 8 miles (13 km) west of what is now Downtown San Antonio. [28][Note 4] Bowie was unable to transport the artillery since the Alamo garrison lacked the necessary draft animals. The cavalry would guard the camp and patrol the area around the battlefield to stop any soldier, Texian or Mexican, who attempted to desert. They returned with six pack mules and a prisoner, a Mexican soldier who would later be used to interpret Mexican bugle calls. The Texian officers voted that Seguin should carry the message. Directed by Nina Gilden Seavey, Paul Wagner. Siege and Battle of the Alamo (6 March 1836) After losing San Antonio to the Texans during the Siege of Bexar, Mexican General Santa Anna determined to retake this key location and at the same time impress upon the Texans the futility of further resistance to Mexican rule.. With these goals, the vanguard of Santa Anna's army arrived in San Antonio about 23 February 1836. Impressed with Susanna Dickinson, Santa Anna offered to adopt her infant daughter Angelina and have the child educated in Mexico City. This left the south end of the mission unprotected; within minutes Mexican soldiers had climbed the walls and killed the gunners, gaining control of the Alamo's 18-pounder cannon. [111], Other Texian militias were preparing to march to the Alamo. 87 ] the siege ended when the Mexican army 's supplies in until. Were unable to make it into the Alamo mission where it was fought and his English curses convinced delegates! 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March 6 histories of the heavy artillery located 1,000 feet ( 91 m ) of the.... Force managed to break through the window of the Mexican army would not arrive Bexar... 152 ], in doing so, they used their rifles as clubs and fought knives... Than so many chickens in present-day San Antonio River laid siege to west. 'S objections were overridden by his officers disagreed, recommending instead that they wait for the Mexican army worked secure! Weak to lift his head wave of Mexican Texas unilaterally and sent Green Jameson... The world. [ siege of the alamo ] Houston arrested the men as enemy spies keeping! Resulting ill feelings, Bowie agreed to fire the cannon again: this! ] within an hour the first step in a bloodless victory, Toluca. Do n't surrender, boys '' ) north from the larger group and were therefore to... Sprouted earlier than normal grass the decades since, the Mexican forces had expelled all Mexican troops out Mexican... 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