This gets quite frustrating when I am trying to track her when she comes to pick me up from the airport... How can I fix this? 2016-03-15 17:05:47 +0200, updated Check current status and outage map. You can try this in your phone. It must be the HERE server. Now I tested on my computer, which has a Q6600 Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz and although Google Maps is acceptable in Firefox, there often are noticeable little jumps between frames in Street View while Chrome is silky smooth. We are sharing our locations on google maps with each other, but her location doesn't update frequently- update times ranging from 8 hours to 20 minutes. This forces it to detect your location, and Maps will ask you for permission to share your location. Doesn't update on maps (here or osm based apps) with any apparent logic (or measured amount of motion). But am stumped how to continue. During the update they first remove the old files. I'm currently using the API (v3) and there are performance issues on slower machines. Is that a use case. She has an iPhone. Launch app, on balcony. Concluded, the GPS needs much more clearing from buildings than the Huwai P6, forinstance. I agree: GPS fix is fast, but its communication and sharing with browser or other apps is slow. Enter the coordinates in the search box at the top of the Google Maps screen in one of the three acceptable formats: Google Maps loading issue is not among the most commonly known issue with the app. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the GooglePixel community. I have a pixel 2 XL and my girlfriend has an iphone 6s. Just went out (was on my balcony with the above 500 meters out, in Berlin) TO the location indicated and the distance narrowed down to 150 meters. I suspect it will lag a bit. 4.Turn on GPS at home on the balcony. Search for the place you want to report by typing an address in the search field or by clicking or touching the location on the map. asked 2. answered Basically, Google Maps is extremely slow and clunky to use (if I can actually call it using) on my iMac. I either get outdated location info or nothing at all for a long time. This issue is not related to the GPS hardware or reliability, but the Sailfish internal Location service for other apps. Panicking husband when gps doesn't show up. Google Map is very slow and it’s not working properly. iOS doesn't update nearly as frequently as an Android. It takes ages (many Minutes, sometimes on/off switching the GPS or even a reboot) and it is a problem in the nativve Maps app, here maps (android) or browser. In general, the GPS does not work reliably for me on my Jolla Phone. It took the phone about a day after the first attempt to use the location to get it updated to my current location. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and make sure that Location Services is on and that Maps is set to While Using the App or Widgets. 5. Doesn't update on maps (here or osm based apps) with any apparent logic (or measured amount of motion). Went to the front of the aprtment, leaned out the window, and the app, poor maps, caught up and showed a fix down to the 2 meters or thereaboughts. Running Firefox on an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 2.2 GHz, Google Maps was annoyingly slow. 2. The latest Google Maps update lets iPhone users report road hazards, car accidents and other slowdowns. It works inside the building also. The easiest and fastest way to solve your problem is … See if there are available updates for your apps including Google Maps. Update 1 : 2019/03/23 11:31am PDT … :smileymad: And to make matters even worse. Here's how to see and delete everything Google Maps stores, and how to turn it off. 2. At last i managed to update the Netherlands map As soon as I close the GPSInfo app the fix is gone and the location reverts to it's previous wrong location or "searching for location" state.. answered Some of the reported problems are listed below: Google Maps is not working as expected, ex, slow-loading; Google Maps is not finding the current location correctly, (is Google Maps not locating you properly?) This week, after being back home for 2 days with everything turned back on (GSM, Mobile Data, WiFi and GPS), I tried to do a similar check-in in the browser and my phone persistently put my location to Gran Canaria. Official MapQuest website, find driving directions, maps, live traffic updates and road conditions. 2. In the last version of android on this phone (5.1 or 5.11) as long as I had 'Device Only' or 'High Accuracy' selected in the location menu, the gps would pick up an accurate location pretty quickly-- usually within a second or two. Explore! However, whenever I attempt to use my location in the Browser, it keeps reporting my home town in the Netherlands as location to the Browser (for a webbased Foursquare check-in). Google maps would then be able to give locations based on the current location and destination. Angela Lang/CNET Millions use Google Maps instead of the default Apple Maps … The GPS is working just fine, initial fix indeed is a bit slow but that's all. Anyone else noticing similar behaviour? Not many I can find about the issue I have with Google Maps and iMac. Turn off Motion and Fitness and Background App Refresh. I have the Jolla in Flight Mode with only GPS and WiFi enabled to avoid Roaming Charges. In the description of the place that appears in the navigation panel, click the … After clearing the buildings, guick fix (so under a minute). Browser) even though it has a GPS fix and Maps shows the correct location. Make sure that you set the date, time, and time zone correctly on your device. Google is constantly updating metro areas because of the turnover on buildings, restaurants, companies, and more. My work colleagues have similar specs and never notice any issues. The browser is the native app that doesn't get the correct location. My update reach from half and hour to 7 hours. Go back to Google Maps settings. Also she has the app open. Last week I went abroad to Gran Canaria (Spain), more than 3000 KM away from my home. I have to zoom in and out numerous times to try to get the maps to update. To what end was location data required for what purpose in the browser? Well, that again points to inaccuracy issues - not the problem I am having as I have detailed in the initial post. It shows the exact same location as the (native) browser does when I attempt to share my location, completely regardless of the GPS fix. That was just parameter passing. Any pointers where to look for troubleshooting this? that's not exactly what you reported, but not to quibble. Last week I bought a new 5800 Navigation and like Smvalle I also decided to update. But I'll test for the case of gps fix (delayed) and not updating in browser. However, some things will be different: You will use a different site or app, not Google Maps. Had to restart network layer because i had disconnected from WIFI needed to reconnect to mibile data, since i walked down to car; Didnt fin GPS location since car in covered spot under concrete; Drove into open in the middle of the street and WAITED; 3.5Min later map could connect and find store, calculate route and start voice guidance. answered On desktop, tap the hamburger menu on the top-left and select Your timeline. Turn off and on the GPS of your smartphone. I had an iPhone last year and my wife perpetually told me my location hardly updated frequently. 2018-06-14 16:14:41 +0200. Delete location data from Google Maps. 2016-03-15 13:52:01 +0200. I've noticed the following behaviour for quite some time now: My Jolla seems to provide outdated location information to apps (e.g. Not so? It seems as if the actual GPS fix is not used/stored and it only uses WiFi/GSM network mappings to update the current location. 2016-03-15 13:58:15 +0200, updated Google Maps has a Timeline feature that keeps a nearly perfect log of everywhere you go. Still nothing has changed. Back in my flat, on the balcony, remains out by 150 meters. But for a couple months now, it has been EXTREMELY slow, to the point of becoming almost unusable. So Google has … Turn off GPS and walk home after work. If I I have tried this on several computers and in Italy and the US, and on numerous different locations. SuperUser reader Wayne wants to know why the new Google Maps is unbearably slow on his home and work computers: The new version of Google Maps is unbearably slow for me, both at home and at work. Often it only updates every 3 hours. The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. Assuming you accept, or have turned on auto-accept, it should then update your position to your new location. Press J to jump to the feed. It happens in HereWeGo. 500 Meter's off! for me you should consider a reset...just used my jolla for a 2 hours trip and gps with here went smoother as ever... :). Ok. 2016-02-20 19:12:46 +0200, updated Go to Settings > Google Maps > Location. Google is really annoyed you're using Microsoft Edge. The GPS is working perfectly fine and finds my location and Maps correctly reflects the GPS location. There has to be a more functional solution... try google's family link or trusted contacts. 2016-03-15 14:00:55 +0200. But those, were not really, location sharing. 2018-12-04 14:00:27 +0200. Getting a GPS fix and the accuracy of the GPS fix is not a problem on my Jolla, the GPS device is working perfectly fine. Same on Sailfish X, using the foursail app for foursquare checkins doesn't seem to be possible. map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644}, zoom: 8 }); Zoom Levels The initial resolution at which to display the map is set by the zoom property, where zoom 0 corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out, and larger zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution. I have an iPhone X if that matters. If you want to go to back to the original version of Google Maps that was installed on your phone or tablet, follow the steps below. If possible, use Set Automatically. Certainly is the case when I go into flight mode. Several users have reported that they are having various problems with the Google Maps app on iOS devices, iPhone or iPad. Find nearby businesses, restaurants and hotels. To see your location in Google Maps on other sites and apps, follow the steps above. The map is not giving accurate information regarding your location; The map does not show the correct navigation when you are driving; The Google Map app keeps crashing when you open it; Troubleshooting your Google Map Turn on Location Services. Regarding the android apps, WhatsApp is another example. Went outdoors to pick up my son. 2016-02-20 19:12:46 +0200, Correct GPS offset on Here in China [duplicate], Improve location acquisition with wi-fi positioning [answered], Would you say that the Jolla's GPS is accurate? Use location in Browser ( how best to do so)? Did a share, opening browser to google. Analyzing the behaviour, it seems as if the location service on the Jolla itself does not use GPS data for updating it's actual location. As with the regular Google Maps program, Google does not release the exact update schedule for Google Street View. Change its permission to While Using the App for Allow Location Access. A recent example: Copyright © Jolla Ltd. 2013-2019. Return to (last run) Poor maps (same in here) 150 meters to the north for CURRENT fix. You first need to give location permission to the site or app used, not Google Maps. Weird. At the top left, in the address bar, click Lock Site settings Location. 12 Mb/sec. Both machines have Windows 7 64-bit installed on them. Btw. All rights reserved. We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. I don‘t mean freezing but everything loads for what feels like an eternity. Please Jolla, can this be fixed with the next update? The GPSinfo utility does provide a clue: When initially opened, it shows the coordinates matching the location reported to the browser, until it has a GPS fix. Will report tomorrow. 2017-11-10 22:16:43 +0200. I think its longer when she is in the same place for a while and speeds up when she is on the road, but its still up to 20 minutes before refreshes. The data used in the browser is for a foursquare checkin. It can be possible that the firmware went wrong and … I just got a Jolla and went through all the updates to current. If you see multiple updates, tap the option to Update … Google maps has no delay whatsoever. It would be easier if you stated what you where doing in the browser? Part 2: 6 solutions to fix Google Maps not working on Android 2.1 One click to fix firmware issues that resulted in Google Maps. BUT run to work with GPS on tomorrow, then Asked: Shows last position (the correct position). I'll check to see if an update lag in the location service is the problem. Dunno if it has anything to do with your problem but strongly suggest it does :) There is a lag between fix being updated for other services (in my case minutes and meters, in yours, hours and kilometers). [answered], Why does the GPS think i'm somewhere else, Jolla maps thinks GPS is deactivated [answered]. But that seemed, in my case, to be more a problem of getting a fix in the first place? Tap on the settings icon (gear or cog icon) I have many markers and markerclusterer I need to render on Google Map. 2016-03-15 21:51:25 +0200. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Well, if this is an issue for someone, I found a work-around : for some reason I can access Google Maps in Chrome only when I'm in "Incognito mode" (I can also log in to my Google account through this mode, and in this way access My Maps - in regular mode I can't). Ever since Microsoft's new browser emerged, it's made Google a little uncomfortable. In any case, I think this is related behaviour. Same with my XA2+ . 500 Meter's off! I'm running OS X 10.8.2 with Firefox 18.0.1 browser. Go to the Google Maps website. I am using Google Latitude and my location updates are very infrequently. 3. Regarding flight mode: Yes, if you toggle flight mode, it will always also disable WiFi. In case you are facing any such problem with the Google Maps, there’s a solution for that without uninstalling the app from the device, just follow the steps Location very slow to update to current position regardless of GPS fix. I'll check to see if an update lag in the location service is the problem. Like with Maps, how often Street View is updated will depend on the area you live in. Bit less recent: A day trip with everything (GSM/WiFi/GPS/Mobile Data) enabled from my home town to Amsterdam (about 150km), location will not get updated to Amsterdam throughout the day. 1. I'm a sysadmin, so if you suggest a debug route (terminal binary to debug gps) I can do so. I had also not getting proper location in my phone , but found that if I open the wi-fi although using the mobile data for the navigation phone always shows correct location. Does the GPS service of Geodeettinen Laitos function with Jolla? I can utilise Safari which is better but it's not ideal having to swap between browsers just to utilise Google Maps. 3. Then I did the following: It's totally fine in Chrome. So I was left with an 5800 Navigtion edition without any maps. answered On your computer, open your browser and go to I have had a decent GPS fix in Gran Canaria and have used the Maps to navigate using GPS/WiFi. answered To make sure that you have the best performance and can use the most recent features, update your Maps app version. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time. I'll file another issue if you think I'm still off base. See if Google Maps is down or it's just you. I am willing to pay for updates, if that helps. My battery is full to 3/4 at this time. I think its longer when she is in the same place for a while and speeds up when she is on the road, but its still up to 20 minutes before refreshes. Get the latest Google Maps app. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more things from Google. The problem I have is that (even with a good and accurate GPS Fix and correct location on the Jolla Maps) the internal 'location service' which reports my location to applications (which are not directly using the GPS) does not update with the valid GPS data acquired earlier on. This is suspicion is reinforced because any apps directly using the GPS device do have the correct location as soon as it has a fix. When I manually refresh, nothing happens. We are sharing our locations on google maps with each other, but her location doesn't update frequently- update times ranging from 8 hours to 20 minutes. I have seen multiple users reporting similar problems with GPS, however this isn't an issue for my Jolla. Which was the correct location. In any case, boy do I miss ovi maps. Assuming the internal browser (whcih I don't use)? Turned on the Poor Mapapp. So I‘ve been using Google Maps since forever on my iPhone and it was always perfectly fine. Post yours and see other's reports and complaints Whatever the explanation behind its current state, Google looks set to roll out public event creation to Maps soon. It also appears to be that recent (last fix) wireless wins till enough satellites are in view. According to Google the updates depend on how often you move and how strong your battery is, but the update will never take longer than 1 hour. Ive seen other posts about this but they were all from about a year ago. My internet connection is very fast. But that seems fairly rare. Do note that after using the location once, it will get updated eventually, but that will take a day or so (!! Somewhat similar experiences, as described above, for me too. Tap Update next to Google Maps to install new updates for the app. It seems like I can't reproduce something like your results. Both from fix and shown from the carried over coordinates. But you can manually enable WiFi without turning off Flight Mode. When you experience Google maps slow loading or not working, it is most likely due to the firmware. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. The only time it seems to fail is when you're on a network that Google Maps can't recognize. It is way to slow!!! Open Google Maps in a browser or with the mobile Google Maps app. Please give me an example of an app depending on the service, just Browser? If you have a set of GPS coordinates, such as for geocaching, enter the latitude and longitude into Google Maps to find the location and get directions to it. However, it becomes annoying when it takes longer than the usual time to load. I just got a Jolla and went through all the updates to current. This thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page. answered It seems very slow and clunky. And, it dawns on me, flight mode implies that wifi is off? Same here, on Sailfish X it takes 3.5 minutes, with Here App Open, Offline Maps installed, High Precision GPS activated. Go back to the original app version. 2017-11-10 22:15:56 +0200. Then open the Google Maps app, and tap the menu icon (three bars) in the upper-left. 1. turn off all data (mobile and wifi) ), even with a good GPS fix. Please start new discussions there. Rebooting the Jolla doesn't appear to have any beneficial effects on getting the 'reported' location updated. I'm only speculating, but it may be that strong wireless antennas (Berlin Freifunk open wireless access) may be distorting the initial fixes at my home. Will report tomorrow. 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