Of course, the local tourism industries would crash. This is a false argument because if hunting were to stop, we would also stop the practices that increase the deer population. Logged and the misguided shall lead the gullible, the feebleminded have inherited the earth. Without coal, no large factories would have existed in the 19th century. A report by the Pew Research Center in 2012 showed that, as it happens, millions of them buck the stereotype. But it still wouldn't be enough to light up the sky. Earth’s Grand Slam: What If Another Supercontinent Formed? Carbon: This one needs no explanation - we're all fucked. While it's unclear what's happening to all the pink slime that used to go to McDonald's, Burger King and Taco Bell, emus are harder to hide, and many were abandoned in the wild, include the forests of southern Illinois, as reported by the Chicago Tribune News. The stereotype we have for undocumented immigrants is that they work unskilled jobs where the focus is on manual labor. As the number of chimpanzees in research in the US declines — the National Institute of Health has stopped funding for experiments using chimpanzees — fewer chimps will be bred. You don't have to turn back the clock that long to actually find that period of time in the 1950s in the United States before we had polio vaccines. By: Ariana, Bryanna, Gavin Political To change a community from Hunters sometimes argue that if they were to stop hunting, the deer population would explode. What If Everyone Turned off Their Lights at the Same Time? Without these factories, there would not have been the huge migration of employees from the countryside into the sordid situations in London that motivated Karl Marx to create the Communist Manifesto in 1848. How much wealth does the government have to give you to make you feel good about this?” As in all things health-related, age plays a major role. Same goes for sea turtles. We didn't know how to use it for most of our history, so I imagine we'd revert to a mid-1800's society, where machines were steam powered and we had to read for personal entertainment. Like the animals used for food, other animals used by humans would also have their numbers in captivity reduced as demand for animal products declines. "If you didn't have those proteins in your saliva, it would only take a few years for your teeth to wear down to nubs." We probably wouldn’t be dead, because we’d never have lived.Some astronomers believe that one reason Earth is habitable is that the gravity of Jupiter does help protect us from some comets. (self.explainlikeimfive) submitted 5 years ago by SageOfSkyrim. That way, the coral reefs might be around to give enjoyment, and life to future generations of fish – and humans! The next brightest object in the night sky is Venus. It is conceivable that the world, or part of the world, could suddenly go vegan. It’s only a matter of time until the last coral vanishes from the oceans. Well, we aren’t able to regrow 500-year-old corals in just 15 years. I think we all have to take a stance against censorship. How many sea animals would face extinction? Ocean diving would become less impressive, that's for sure. Even when different species do have the same number of chromosomes, they just don't match up. People would trade things for other things. Can humans help their survival? The truth is, this hypothetical scenario is getting very real. But for many unique species of fish in the ocean, corals are their only safe habitat. Coral reefs take up just 1% of the world’s marine environment. Or the animals used for experiments or entertainment? The warmer our oceans get, the faster coral reefs die out. If Earth Stopped Spinning, What Would Happen? If human hunters are removed from the picture and we stop breeding game birds and manipulating deer habitat, the wildlife will adapt and fluctuate and reach a balance with the ecosystem. Sanctuaries like New Jersey's Popcorn Park Zoo … Doris Lin an animal rights attorney and the Director of Legal and Government Affairs for the Animal Protection League of New Jersey. They present a thought experiment—What if Medicare ceased to exist?—and calculate the effects on the overall economy, insurance enrollment, government spending and consumers’ well-being. What about us? Farmers will adjust by breeding, raising, and slaughtering fewer animals. Subscribe to What-If on Youtube or follow the show on Facebook Watch. Or as Kehoe put it in conversation, “Imagine that we’re starting in a world with Medicare, and we’re going to move to a world without. That way, the coral reefs might be around to give enjoyment, and life to future generations of fish – and humans! What Would Happen if We Dig a Hole Straight Through Earth. After a report on pink slime (a.k.a. 1. All wildlife populations fluctuate according to the number of predators and available resources. Most areas would be made up of tall apartment buildings rather than rows and rows of single family houses. What would happen to the ocean if there was no biodiversity? As the demand for wool or silk fall, we will see fewer sheep and silkworms being bred. Krypton makes up a tiny fraction of the air. 8 Incredible Animals Being Hunted Into Extinction, Female Pigs in U.S. Are Dying in Record Numbers, 10 of North America's Most Endangered Birds, Meet the People Who Want to Turn Predators Into Herbivores, German International School in India Goes Vegan. What would happen if we didn't develop a sustainable community? Just that 1% is enough to sustain a quarter of all marine animals in the ocean. Many nonhunters are unaware of state and private programs that breed quail, partridges, and pheasants in captivity, for the purpose of releasing them in the wild, to be hunted. Non-vegans often ask, "What would happen to the animals if we all went vegan?" It makes corals more vulnerable to hot temperatures, and causes their death if the water doesn’t cool down. Coral provides a natural breakwater, and a buffer against erosion. But now, it turns out, they'll be sharing the credit. Whether we will ever have a vegan world is debatable, but it is clear that a combination of factors — animal rights, animal welfare, environment, and health — is causing people to eat less meat. Oxygen: We all suffocate and die, and the oceans disappear. The End To conclude, if we don't develop a sustainable community, then the community will be poor, independent, and a hard place to live in. . The countries might vanish from the planet together with the reefs. Coastlines would no longer be protected from flooding in extreme storms. But what if an abrupt heatwave destroyed all of the reefs overnight? And what would happen to wildlife if we stop hunting? By clearcutting forests, planting deer-preferred plants and requiring tenant farmers to leave a certain amount of their crops unharvested in order to feed the deer, the agencies are creating the edge habitat that is preferred by deer and also feeding the deer. What If: Science-Based Answers to Hypothetical Questions. Do you know women have 68% more chances of developing health issues than men even if they have the same amount of instant noodles? As with any product, as the demand for meat changes, production will change to meet market demands. Kids stayed inside. As the ocean spread out, the residents of these densely populated islands would have nowhere to go. Most animals that eat birds, like weasels, spiders, wild cats, snakes and others, will have to adapt and may struggle to thrive. Your teeth lose some of their integrity. Sure enough, that wouldn’t be pretty. Fluorine: Many minerals suddenly turn into free metals - calcium included. They are huge colonies of a distant relative of the jellyfish – coral polyps. I know it's never going to happen, but if all the world's money disappeared, we would start like in the past when money didn't exist. And if you must go diving or snorkeling, don’t stand on corals. We do not know whether the core of Mars is still molten or not, but a robot called InSight recently landed on Mars that will help us to find out!. Sanctuaries like New Jersey's Popcorn Park Zoo take in abandoned exotic pets, injured wildlife, and illegal pets. This is because of a drop in per capita meat consumption. Having said that, though, let's now imagine that we could magically turn off the gravity while leaving the Earth behind. We hear an awful lot about global warming these days, but what if that concept was taken to the extreme... Let’s play devil’s advocate and say that the moon landing was faked. Sensory neurons have always put on a good show. As an increasing number of farmers bought emu eggs and breeding pairs, the prices of the eggs and birds rose, creating a false impression that there was great consumer demand for emu products (meat, oil, and leather), which caused even more farmers to go into emu farming. The Physics of a Flat Earth Wouldn’t Be Pleasant. A lot of them would be lost for good. The ocean bottom would be taken over by forests of seaweed. Two million species live in, on, and around the reefs. Dogs have 39 chromosomes and cats have 19 chromosomes, which means they don't have enough in common. Here's the top five things we would miss without it. Richard Brome's The City Witt, 1652 has the line 'It shall rain dogs and polecats'. Earth is always turning, but what if someone threw on the planet’s emergency brake and brought... What if the flat-earthers were right and the Earth was, in fact, flat? So, if we didn't have digestive systems, but wanted to keep on living, we would need a different way of taking these things in. Since coral are filter feeders, they clean the water. We wouldn't be able to use oxygen to burn fuel to produce energy. Even among non-vegans, demand for animal foods is shrinking. It has no known natural chemistry and little in the way of laboratory chemistry. How would this massive die-off affect humanity? And like all living things, they die. Lack of clouds would mean there would be no rain and the average temperature of the Earth would increase, resulting in large areas of land becoming desert. As more people go vegan, there will be more vegan products available in both mainstream stores and health food stores. It is conceivable that existing zoos and aquariums could become sanctuaries and stop buying, selling, or breeding animals. The Vegan Dream: What If We All Stopped Eating Meat? If everyone went vegan, what would happen to all the animals—chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows? No one wants to dive into a forest of seaweed. In all cases, if the world were to go vegan overnight or very quickly, the animals who cannot be returned to the wild will be slaughtered, abandoned, or taken care of in sanctuaries. Even if the poles melted so no ice cap, you would still expect a thermal gradient between equator and poles, so we would still get a circulation albeit reduced. While the oldest direct evidence of alcohol comes from China between 7000 and 6600 B.C., flour and mixtures of plant residue at the Wadi Kubbaniya archaeological site in Egypt suggest that brewing might have been taking place as early as 18,000 years ago [source: Tucker ]. It is conceivable that existing zoos and aquariums could become sanctuaries and stop buying, selling, or breeding animals. That's exactly what will happen if unauthorized farm workers are expelled from the U.S. — not just more expensive produce, but the collapse of American labor-intensive agriculture. Always marvel at the incredible beauty from a distance. Diving Into a Black Hole: Adventure or an Abyss? If a scientist in a lab tried to cross breed a dog and a cat, any ensuing offspring would be categorized as a “hybrid”. A full moon is nearly two thousand times brighter than Venus is … Could the corals rebuild themselves from scratch? They might soon disappear as well, since when the corals disappear, there would be very little fish for them to feed on. What Would Life Be Like in a World Without Microbes? Some animals are captured from the wild, including orcas and dolphins for aquarium shows. City streets were then filthy and heavy rain would occasionally carry along dead animals. What I expect would happen: First, there would be no clouds. Here’re 10 facts about instant noodles you probably didn’t want to know but have to know! If someone needed food and another person needed a cow, they would exchange these thing with each other. It only takes a water temperature spike of 1°C (1.8°F) above average to upset corals and make them turn white. Humanity will continue to need some way of dealing with undesirable and violent behaviour that provides trust that it is not inherent to any person to act harmfully to others. Then, after the realization that insects are roaming free, we also have to remember about all the animals that survive from eating birds—humans included. There have been several instances where demand for a particular animal product suddenly plummeted. So, no big deal, right? If we stop eating cows, pigs, and chickens, what would happen to the 10 billion land animals we now eat every year? Follow our Instagram @goody.feed for more videos! Coral Reefs and People in a High-CO2 World: Where Can Science Make a Difference to People? It's a valid question. It dictates how we design our days, how we operate our social lives, even how we build our cities. fluorescent tubes and high speed photographic flash lamps. Well, we aren’t able to regrow 500-year-old corals in just 15 years. Why the death of coral reefs could be devastating for millions of humans. As a thought exercise, then, consider what would happen if there was no federal government anymore. We might have started fermenting our own grain anyway. Maybe it’s time to give jellyfish soup a try, since there would be plenty of them in the ocean. But the price of emu meat was high, supply was unreliable, and consumers didn't like the taste as much as that of cheap, familiar beef. skipping the morning meal can throw off your body’s rhythm of fasting and eating. You can now see them bleaching from vibrant colors to bland and lifeless ones. Our Earth With No Gravity: What Would Happen? If the September 11, 2001, attacks never happened, Americans would be marking some later date as the anniversary of the most devastating terrorist strike on the homeland in modern history. How Bad Could Things Get on Earth If We Nuked the Moon? This process is called bleaching. What we have is a primate brain, ours is very similar to that of a chimp and gorilla (they too have primate brains). With no corals left, coastal countries would lose $375 billion of annual income. ELI5: What would happen to us if we didn't have veins going to our outer extremeties? What would happen to the things on Earth depends on how they are attached. “We wanted to highlight the importance of being able to express one’s view and not take freedom of speech for granted. If we stop hunting, we would also stop these tactics that increase the deer population. A post shared by Goody Feed (@goody.feed) on Oct 9, 2019 at 1:08am PDT Humans have been digging towards the center of the Earth for decades. Would humans on land be affected too? But if the Earth didn't have mass, it wouldn't be there anymore! The 65 Best Travel Spots of Instagram’s Hottest Travel Influencers, The Woman Who Survived a 10,000 Foot Fall, Why We Need to Stop Telling Women to Smile. For them, corals have been providing food and shelter for 50 million years. But what about the marine ecosystems they sustain? Veganism is definitely spreading in the U.S. and, it would seem, in other parts of the world, as well. Most people, especially the young, would be … In an example from the mid-1990s, speculation in the emu meat market caused emu farms to spring up around the United States and Canada. For purposes of this experiment, assume that one day government just disappears - … The day the reefs disappeared, marine biodiversity would suffer huge losses. Without it, water would push local residents out of their homes. That's what happened. 5 comments; when you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work their best is … We use our digestive system mostly to take in nutrients, energy and water. Where in the World Would We Be If Earth’s Ice Melted? If we stopped eating them, wouldn’t they just take over the Earth, threatening our survival? But we can at least try to pollute our air and oceans less. Absolutely. Corals are not rocks. This might turn into a global food crisis. State wildlife management agencies artificially boost the deer population in order to increase recreational hunting opportunities for hunters. I understand having them connected to our internal organs, because you know, oxygen and whatnot, but what would happen if we didn't have veins connected to our fingers, toes, etc? "lean finely textured beef") aired on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer in 2012, most of the pink slime plants in the US shut down within weeks and one company, AFA Foods, declared bankruptcy. People have speculated about a world in which there were no nations, just a kind of minimalist world government and then government by things like watershed administrations, city-state governments, etc. Most likely, the world will go vegan gradually, and the animals in captivity will be gradually phased out. The phrase is supposed to have originated in England in the 17th century. How Many Animals Do Humans Kill Each Year? Climate change has already killed half of the Great Barrier Reef’s coral in just two years. All living things require nutrients, energy and water, but not all living things have digestive systems the way we think of in the human body. What if we lost all of our coral reefs overnight? When there was a case of polio in the community, they shut down the community swimming pool. Nights would be much, much darker. If the deer population were to explode, it would then collapse from lack of resources and continue to fluctuate, naturally. It is used in lamps for some types of lighting, i.e. None of these fates are worse than what would have happened if people continued eating meat, so the concern for what would happen to the animals is not an argument against veganism. Without seafood there would be increased pressure on farms to make up for the shortfall in protein. If we stopped hunting, we would also stop breeding animals in captivity for hunters. But we can at least try to pollute our air and oceans less. Also, cats and dogs both have … Wrong. Copyright © 2018, INSH | Brought to you by Backyard Media Inc. What if all the coral reefs died out? Since reefs support fish, they also support the fisheries, feeding and giving jobs to 500 million people in tropical countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. But what if we didn't have a moon? Animals Used for Clothing, Entertainment, Experiments, 6 Common Travel Activities That Hurt Animals, Responses to Top Arguments Against Animal Rights. Without cars, our cities and suburbs would be much more condensed. A six-foot-tall, flightless Australian bird who is related to the ostrich, emus were touted as having lean, nutritious meat, fashionable leather, and healthy oil. If we didn't have krypton we would have to … What Kind of World Would It Be If Money Didn’t Exist? By Christina G. Biodiversity The variety of life Everything is part of a web of life Sustains the diversity of species in an ecosystem The Ocean Largest ecosystem in the world The ocean is cut up into layers - sunlit - What If NASA Had the U.S. Military’s Budget? Obscure and not so well-known stories from History, Geography, Science and Culture. In the U.S., we are eating less meat even though our population is growing. The next time you’re looking for a place to go on vacation, think about the impact you’re making and try to support local communities that protect the oceans and ecosystems they depend on. Similarly, more vegan products will show up in stores and more farmers will switch to growing things like quinoa, spelt, or kale. The corals of the Great Barrier Reef are bleaching quickly and are unlikely to recover. Remaining species, including dolphins, would be left to survive in very murky waters. What Would Happen If the North and South Poles Flipped? If a large number of people were to suddenly go vegan and there were too many cows, pigs, and chickens, farmers would cut back abruptly on breeding, but the animals who are already here may be abandoned, slaughtered, or sent to sanctuaries. Nitrogen: The air pressure drops 80%, but more importantly DNA doesn't work without nitrogen. It’s hard to predict what else the disruption to the food chain and biodiversity of the oceans would lead to. 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