In order to receive implicit Intents, an Intent filter must specify the default category. Lessons Sending Simple Data to Other Apps Example. We know that sometimes the applications created by us need to share images and text together. to be filtered out for sharing images + text. When you tap the "Share" button next to a link, app, or file, you see a list of apps you can share that item with. The ACTION_SEND helps to open the share intent where you will share your required data. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. This section covers some common ways you can send and receive simple data (like text, images and files) between applications using the Android Sharesheet and Intent Resolver with Intent objects. But it seems like every time you use this function, the list of apps is in a different order — especially when it comes to the Direct Share targets at the top. That way, if another app creates a Send Intent that attempts to share an image, our app won’t advertise itself since our simple text view setup would not know how to handle an image. Share image and text on facebook using intent in android Download Source code here Manifest.xml: Add the following permission in you mainfest.xml: