The PICASSO project has published the fourth in its series of policy briefs, which is concerned with spectrum policy. These briefs consider the relations between policy and EU-US research and innovation collaboration especially in the domains of 5G, IoT/CPS and Big Data. The relations are two-way; existing policy issues in the EU, in the US and jointly whose resolution can be improved by R&I collaboration on specific topics and ways in which policy may influence R&I agendas and the possibilities for collaborative work.

Spectrum policy is of particular importance because it deals with the allocation and management of wireless frequency bands that are of increasing importance for (in particular) 5G and IoT/CPS both of which rely on extensive connectivity and therefore compete for spectrum with each other and existing uses. For Big Data, the importance of policy for R&I is less direct, but the utility of data analytics for spectrum management is now widely recognised.

The latest brief on “Spectrum issues affecting EU/US ICT development collaboration” considers:

  • The ‘fit’ between existing spectrum allocation and management policies and the implications of technological development:
    Many of these policies are internationally coordinated to harmonise spectral bands and usage conditions, foster global markets and make interoperability smoother and more efficient.
  • Changes to research programs and outputs arising from spectrum policy:
    Spectrum policy influences the socio-economic roles and profitability of technological and service approaches and thus the eventual ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. These outcomes are of national and international importance; nationally-based policies should not unduly inhibit or distort technology development.

Policy and other means should be used to ensure the availability of suitable spectral resources for scientific purposes. This general objective is specifically relevant to collaborative research and innovation in the PICASSO domains.

All policy papers published until today are available for download on the ‘Project Reports and Policy Papers‘-section of this website.