The PICASSO IoT/CPS Expert Group (EG) was invited to present their visions, RDI priorities, and recommendations for EU-US collaborations in the area of cyber-physical systems at a Cyber-physical Systems Roadmap Workshop that was organized in the Thales tower in Paris on Oct. 23, 2017, by the Platforms4CPS project ( Platforms4CPS is a 24-month H2020 coordination and support action that aims to carry out strategic actions for future CPS through roadmaps, support of platform development, and constituency building.

The objective of the workshop was to bring together CPS experts from industry, academia, and policy-making (in particular the EC), to elaborate on specific related CPS themes (including Platforms, Autonomy and CPS Engineering) and discuss these in relation to industrial demand and customer needs. Besides PICASSO, which was presented by IoT/CPS EG manager Christian Sonntag, experts from numerous other strategic initiatives, such as ARTEMIS-IA, ECSEL-SRA, EPoSS, HiPEAC, CyPhERS, Road2SoS, Road4FAME, and Road2CPS  gave pitch presentations of their roadmaps and results. The CPSoS project, a predecessor of PICASSO, was presented by IoT/CPS EG member Haydn Thompson.

Subsequent discussions and breakout sessions among the experts resulted in consolidated, prioritized sets of research and innovation challenges, barriers, and opportunities that will guide the future work of the Platforms4CPS project. The presentations slides are available on the Platforms4CPS website at