The Service for Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI) of the European Commission, working with DG CONNECT and the European External Action Service (EEAS), has launched an action on International Digital Cooperation with a view to strengthen the European Union’s position as a world leader in the digital economy. With this, the EU will promote a secure, right-based international digital sphere, conducive to a level playing field in terms of market access and business opportunities.

The overall objective is to support the “going global” of the EU digital ambitions, including standardisation, personal data protection and data flows, and trust and security – all these topics that have been subject to different PICASSO policy papers, which are available for download in the Project Reports and Policy Papers section of the PICASSO website.

The action is very much in line with the recommendations made in the PICASSO paper to take action and step in at global level as to ensure European values are well understood, and that Europe doesn’t limit its view on what is “made in Europe” but seeks a collaborative stance in a global, inclusive approach involving all stakeholders.

ETSI has been selected to implement the project focusing on ICT Standardisation, working with the European Commission, EEAS and the relevant administrations, European Standardisation Organisations, other standardisation bodies as well as industry experts in partner countries and regions. The overall objective of the project is to support the “going global” of the EU digital ambitions, with a view to stimulate the role of the European Union as a global hub for ICT standardisation. At PICASSO we learned that in this it is important to let go of the illusion of “competitiveness by exclusion”, as this is a global industry. In addition, the role and use of IP is key in ensuring that society and economy can best benefit from new insights. We therefore believe this action is timely and is well positioned to have the best possible impact on global ICT standardization development.