As of today, the PICASSO Project has produced the following three Policy Papers, all of them focussing on policy considerations in the EU and the US that affect and are affected by in particular ICT development collaboration related to 5G Networks, Big Data, and Internet of Things/Cyber-physical Systems, dealing in particular with the following topics:

Two more are to come within the next months.

One of these will deal with Spectrum issues, which for both, 5G and IoT/CPS, arise in particular because of the differences that historically exist on spectrum policies around the world, and because much more use will be made of spectrum in the years to come. Focus of the paper will be on how to deal with these differences, and how to find ways forward allowing new technologies to find their way.

The 5th thematic paper will focus on Digital Communities. In all communities, there will be an onslaught of sensors collecting data and sometimes summoning help, controlling signals and valves and the brightness of street lights, managing waste pickup, and sometimes directing public safety efforts. Developing tools and services to do this effectively may be best served with a multistakeholder approach, as to ensure that ICT R&I, both in Europe and in the USA, is developed with the aim to serve societies’ needs in the long run. Therefore, this shall help reflect on how digitization can help local geographical communities in jointly managing their space, and benefiting from what new technologies bring to help better communicate and collaborate.

The first four policy papers will all feed into this paper, as “digital communities” are fully impacted by the aspects discussed before, in the context of 5G networks, Big Data and IoT/CPS. Whereas a lot of focus today is on “Smart Cities”, the focus on communities is more specifically dependent on being able to take responsibility for our lives, together, also in areas of less density of networks and services than in cities. In the paper, we will discuss the possible impact of today’s upcoming disruptive developments such as blockchain and AI.

New public webinars will be announced soon. The related findings of PICASSO will be presented and discussed during a session on Digital Communities at EuroDIG2018 in Tblisi, 4-6 June 2018.

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