The PICASSO project is organizing a first webinar on “EU-US collaboration on 5G funding opportunities in Horizon 2020”, planned to be held on the 13th of September 2016 (17.00-18.30 CEST/ 11:00 -12.30 ET).  PICASSO will explore how EU-US collaboration in 5G can be served best in the next Horizon 2020 Call for Proposals. Academia, research institutions, large industry and SMEs are invited to participate.

The webinar will see the high value participation of Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, PICASSO 5G Expert Group Chair, and Dr. Werner Mohr, Chair of the Board 5G Infrastructure Association, fostering their attention on EU-US innovation ecosystems, the established collaboration between 5G PPP and 5G Americas as well as the target technical objectives defined by the 5G PPP Strategic Research Agenda,

More information on the agenda and how to register to the webinar are available at: